Re: UTV Clicksilver download speed 128Kbps not 256Kbps
last year, the upload remained at 128 Kbs. (download went to 1Mb)
This year your download went to 2 Mb, and your upload to 256 Kbs. (for the same price)
What is your current speed? I believe there are certain smaller (subtended) exchanges where customers will remain on their current speeds, but will have a prioce reduction (they are being moved to the a lower oackage)
ClubMan said:Sometime last year UTV (along with other ISPs reselling eircom's wholesale DSL packages) upped their speeds from 512Kbps download/128Kbps upload to 1Mbps download/256Kbps upload. I benefited automatically from the increased download speed but my upload speed seems to be still stuck at around 128Kbps. Is there something that I need to do (e.g. DSL modem/router reconfiguration?) to avail of the increased upload speed?
last year, the upload remained at 128 Kbs. (download went to 1Mb)
This year your download went to 2 Mb, and your upload to 256 Kbs. (for the same price)
What is your current speed? I believe there are certain smaller (subtended) exchanges where customers will remain on their current speeds, but will have a prioce reduction (they are being moved to the a lower oackage)