Have GE money lowered their mortgage rate? they are charging me 7.7%

I would be very interested to hear what the Financial Regulator has to say about GE Money. I take on board everything that everyone has written, but these people are really something else! They prey upon people who are down on their luck, sometimes through no fault of their own. The call centres are manned by 'children' who could do with a lesson in good manners. I have explained my temporary financial situation - daily now for two months - until I am blue in the face, and still the threatening letters come. Clearly they don't write anything down on file. My rate is 8.9% so well done all of you on 5! I have a short lease, so they would have problems selling my property despite their threats of repossession. WOuld I be taken to Court? If so, are the judges likely to be lenient given my current (unemployed) struggle? THis is causing so much distress it isn't true, and feel like writing to that nice Mr. Obama....I am sure he wouldn't allow me to suffer in this way;)

Has your rate not come down in the last two months, mine has come down 1.5% and is a god send
Why do you feel they "PREY" ? Can I ask if you felt like that the day you got approval ? I know things change... but do you really think calling their staff children is the right approach. I have recently had my loan repayments lowered as my wages dropped.. have you tried that, it does mean you may more longterm but in my case I hope to be able to increase the payments again.
I was a little hasty calling the GE Money call centre operatives 'children', and if I have insulted any of your friends or family, I apologise unreservedly. I am just so distressed by a/being uneployed, b/ doing everything I can to get a job, c/being a pensioner and finding the prospect of 9-5, 5 days a week a little daunting, and d/terrified of losing my home at this time of my life. I am now even more distressed knowing that GE Money have no compunction in taking people to court. I don't hold any of the operatives personally responsible, of course the have a job to do and are acting in accordance with company policy.
I have discussed a payment plan, but with no income other than my pension, it is a little difficult. I can only trust in the Universe that a job comes my way soon.
Sorry again if I offended anyone...
Fair enough, I know its very hard and today has not made it easier. Not sure if you can or if its an option... how about renting a room shortterm ?? I guess its not ideal but it might help. Or have you tried talking to mabs, you could have all contact directed to them I think at least that might help day to day.