I can't seem to get a strait answer for anyone/anywhere and was hoping to find someone in the same situation who might know what’s going on.
I moved into a large apartment complex and all of the wiring for telephone, broadband and television were with Smart. This wasn’t something we were happy with for the start and tried everything we could to get a different provider for the television and the other; we were told that only Smart would have access to our lines and therefore only Smart was an option. So we signed up for [broken link removed] and although there have been many bumps in the road, I’m not complaining cause it’s been pretty cheep for the three, and when there have been problems customer service were always helpful.
So now, like many I’m left wondering what’s going on and where do I stand. I’m not just a phone line or just a broadband but I’m in a whole package deal.
I have had no problems with service, and I can still make international calls… do I need to start looking elsewhere or do I just wait and look stupid when the mess hits the fan?
Anyone out there have a clue?