Has anyone ever owned/or still own a st bernard?

And I hate to be negative but remember very large dogs have shorter life spans. Not sure about St. Bernards but as far as i know Irish wolfhounds and great danes have a life expectancy of 7 to 8 years so you might need to take that into account. i'm more of a small mutt person, St. Bernards are gorgeous though!
Thanks for that information Rois. I'm going to ring the breeder now and see if they will let the dogs go a few weeks earlier.

I'm goig to have to get a new car before she gets too big! I have a peugeot 206cc so she wont fit in that for long!! I'm changing it next month anyway under the half way agreement as my kids have a hard job fitting in the car now.

Well they said they have no problem letting the puppy go at 8 weeks, so thats good.

Sue...great video lol maybe there is hope of getting her into my car!

Ciaraella...yeah their life span is around 7-10 years. Probably close to around 7 i would say.

Glowinthedar...haha chewbacca. Cant call the poor thing moose!
Samantha great to hear you're getting her at 8 weeks - will be lots of work initially and will drive you mad at times, but that soon passes. Lots of fun also they're adorable.

Another thing, when you feed her or give her a bone, put your hand in the bowl and if she growls take it off her. Same with the bone. Otherwise kids could get nipped if they interfere with her while she's eating.

Best of luck, any questions just ask. My 2 are a year old now and I couldn't imagine being without them - even though at times in the first few months they were a nightmare.
I've never had that problem with dog's being food agressive. I always lie beside them when they are eating and make a fuss, and then every now and again move the bowl away from them. May not be the best method but it's worked in the past.

what food do you feed yours? Also do you give them any supplements? I read that it's advised to give them supplements but i just dont know which would be the most beneficial to them. And do you have them insured? If so who with?
I fed mine on the puppy purina/beta brand for large dogs for the first year - this week is their first time on adult food. With good quality food you shouldn't need any supplements. Their first year of growth is the most important so it's worth getting good food. I also mix in a just a little tinned food for them - McGraths is good but doesn't really matter, can even make your own with liver etc.

I wouldn't give her any supplements now - the food should provide all her needs (30% protein). If you notice her coat getting dry then you can put in a little cod liver oil or a raw egg. To much protein/growth supplements can lead to too rapid growth which is really bad for their bones. Also no long walks for the first 6/7 months or you can affect bone development.

Later on she may need supplements for arthritis etc but not now. Just a little bit of Whelpi with luke warm milk in evening for the first couple of weeks,

I do have them insured with Allianz, well worth it. I've only had to claim on it once for my old dog but they were brilliant.
Must be a good brand thats the same as what the breeders feed there's on. ( mum and dad )

I googled it and didn't have much luck finding it available around north dublin. It seems a good brand so i take it if i ask in my local pet shop they would either have it or be able to get it for me. Do your gets yours local or is there somewhere worth while going to for a better price? Same for whelpi as well ( i've never heard of this before )

How long did you walk yours for after they were fully vaccinated. I was told about 20 mins twice a day untill she was about a year old and then i could increase it.

I cant wait till she's old enough for me to take her to the beach. But someone told me there not that keen on the water and it not great for their coats.

I also read that only to wash them when necessary, why is this?
We have our black lab jessie for the last six months and I would recommend the following:-
- for clean-ups, instead of using chemicals, i use a mixture of 50/50 lemon juice and vinegar in a spray container.
- buy a collar and tag for your puppy. get your phone number and dog's name engraved on the tag, most good pet shops do this for less than €10.
- start as you mean to go on! decide on first day what habits are acceptable
- use your local library for great books on puppies and training
- most importantly decide who is in charge

Best of luck
You should have no problem getting Beta in any pet store - call them up and ask where your local stockist is. Same with Whelpi it's widely available - you'll only need 1 can of this.

Re the walking - the garden should be sufficient for 6 months, then build it up gradually.

Long haired dogs generally aren't keen on water but she will still enjoy walks on the beach. The salt water isn't good for their coats. All my dogs are short-haired labradors, who are bred for water and have waterproof undercoats, so love nothing more than swimming. You might be able to coak her to paddle, but I don't think she'll swim - they're bred for mountains/snow not beaches.

Washing too often will destroy their natural oils, they need a daily grooming as their hair can get very matted. This will encourage the natural oils. She will also need professional grooming probably twice a year. Meantime, you can buy lovely dry shampoo for in between washes (Hery is a lovely brand that works wonders).

It's a great idea to get your pooch a disc with your phone number on it... The recent advice seems to be NOT to put the dog's name on the disc... Appearantly, if thieves know the dog's name, stealing them is easier, the dog is more reassured when called by it's name... Just advice I got from the Dog Warden, for what it's worth...

By the way... I asked around about a name... These are the suggestions... BeBo, Midge (short for midget!), Pebbles, Belle, Shona, and Iona...
Thats good advice about not putting the dogs name.

I found a lost dog a few months ago, the name on the tag was that of a company ( cant for the life of me remember it now ) but you ring this number and then they contact the owners. Did think at the time what a very strange name for a dog.

I was actually thinking of bella myself. I'm going to see her on wednesday so i'll see if she looks like a bella.
Oh and get her microchipped as soon as you can...

I'm hoping you'll post a pic of this pooch... I think we all feel we know her already!...

I'm going to get her microchipped but i was told that sometimes they cant be read.

I think it was the breeders that told me but i've spoken to so many people and read so much it could of been anyone. Their females chip can be read but the males cant, It's sort of got lost! But i'm going to get her done anyway.

I do have a picture of her but she was less than a week old and it's of all of them (8) so i have no idea which one she is. I'll take some on wednesday and show you her!
Thanks Hon...

I'm DYING to see her... I can PM you my email add, if that's easier...

As regards the microchip 'migrating', yes I've heard of that happening... My friend's dog's chip is halfway down his front right leg!... Not to worry too much about that, though... Dog Wardens, rescue centres, vets etc, are very aware of this happening, and usually scan from the dogs ears to their rump, and left to right across their shoulders, and over both front legs...

By the way, are you planning to neuter her???... If you are, get her done at six-eight months... That way, she's MUCH less likely to get mammory tumours later on...

Yes i'm going to get her neutered cause i have no intention of breeding off her. 1 is going to me more than enough to look after. I'm told the one that they picked out for me has very good markings, and would be very good to breed off but i'm not interested in doing that.

I really wanted a female because they are smaller but he still has a male left that no one wants. He has the best markings of the litter but because of his size no one is interested in him. He's very small. I hope they find someone like me thats not bothered about marking to take him.

The picture i have is the one that they posted on done deal. They live in wexord, only ones selling from that area so should be easy enough to find. They dont actually look that cute when there that young, but you can see pic of others that are a bit older.
The microchips can move in females also. I posted on this a few weeks ago - my vet was checking my old dog for her microchip and would have given up only I was there assuring him she had a chip.

I think you might enjoy Pet Expo in October http://www.petexpo.ie/index.html . I picked up lots of stuff there last year, bedding, brushes, shampoos, plaque remover - some of it for a lot cheaper than you would pay in the shops. Also lots of free samples from exhibitors.

All the breeders associations were represented and there was tons of free advice on offer from them, vets, trainers, etc etc. Also lots of other stuff going on. It's very dog-oriented. Best day to go is the Saturday - Sunday is crazy busy you can barely move.

I don't know who's exhibiting this year (they only have last year's list on the website), but if you want to pm me nearer the time, I can let you know if its worth attending.

If puppy is toilet trained by then (October), you can take her along also, she'll get lots of attention.