Just getting back to the original post on this thread, does anyone else have an update on outstanding orders with Habitiat?
Just briefly my own situation is, that we (boyfriend and I) had a number of items on order with Habitat and also some incomplete orders had been delivered at the time of closing. As instructed we contacted Habitat UK, and after a period of time they issued an email saying that we should pursue a refund through our credit/laser card providers.
Now I (I grant it was somewhat delayed) contacted my branch to make the claim, sent in a fax with all the details about a month ago, and today got a call to day that because more than 120days had elapsed since I made the lasercard payment the bank will not proceed any further with my claim and I now need to pursue the matter with the liquidator?
My main issue here is that from the transaction in March to mid June when Habitiat UK sent us an email, we still expected delivery of the goods, so surely the 120 limit to claiming refund should be extended in these situations. I plan to follow up further with my bank, but am also want to know where to start with lodging a claim with the liquidator as I don't really expect to get anywhere with the bank? How do you find out what firm it is etc?
Anyway some advice/feedback would be welcome, as I am sure we can't be the only people in this situation.
By the way I am not a frequent poster, but I do browse topics regluarly and have picked up lots of good advice and info.