Hamas attack on Israel

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I know. I shouldn't engage. Maybe I should post a reading list so people can actually inform themselves of the history of the region.
A zionist approved reading list!? Wonderful. You should DHL a pager to Von der Liar - she'd be very excited to hear about that type of quality "disinformation"/"misinformation" control.
Ireland has diplomatic relations with Russia. Hezbollah has a political and para military wing. (Where did I see that before). It is its para wing that is designated terrorist.
Designated by who? By the yanks?

Riddle me this? How many Iraqi's did the yanks kill in their Iraqi forever war and for what reason? A "war" based on lie after lie. 315,000 Iraqi civilians dead. Now, let me see all the protests from you lot about the sovereignty of Iraqi territory? Where is it?

How many governments have they toppled? (spoiler - Ukraine 2014 would be a stand out example).

How about Libya - a Hillary Clinton project. That was all for "democracy" right?

And you talk about "terrorist" designation.

Fact check: Ukrainian Population 40 million; civilian deaths in 2 and a half year 12,000; military deaths 80,000. And when the entire population of Ukraine has been eliminated you will blame the Americans and not the Russians
You're damn right I will, as should anyone. The Russians and Ukrainians had reached a peace deal before this "war" began. Boris Johnson flew in and told them to tear it up. That's confirmed by guys involved on the Ukrainian side.
Victoria Nuland was involved in instigating a coup in 2014 and in intervening years, they were killing ethnic Russians in the east. Where was the E.U. in stopping that? Before that, they accessed the very same playbook in Georgia, forcing the Russians into responding.
You must be based in St petersburg in one of putins troll farms with that baloney, its the exact same rubbish that is coming out of those idiots. Russia will not win this war , putin never thought he would be stuck in a ww1 style trench warfare having lost 600,000 of his army dead and injured. That's not "wi nning" that's putin unable to cut his losses and get out, pure ego and arrogance. The Russians are the biggest bs swallowers of all, no advanced country would take putin bs , he would have been overthrown decades ago , but in Russia he is still the "dear leader" .Russia was advancing a decade after the fall of soviet union but now they have regressed back to stalinist totalitarianism. Unfortunately for Russia nobody else wants to join them, not even China
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