Hamas attack on Israel

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How on earth were Mossad able to secretly implant 5,000 devices in a foreign country? It really begs the question as to how were they taken completely unawares by the 7th October carnage.
They didn't, from what I've read, Hamas imported them. Mossad got wind of this, installed the explosives during manufacturing and then triggered them by sending a text message to all of the devices.
You are going around with yours blinkered.
Says the guy who conveniently overlooks the indiscriminate bombing of civilians in an aggression that has claimed more women/children than any other proportionately, and one that has claimed a greater proportion of the overall population than any other.

Yes Comrade.
Cheap, inaccurate commentary. I'm no communist. Neither is Snowden.

Thankfully. We need fewer bigoted racist nutter like him in the world.
The "nutter" that applies common sense and goes and talks with the Russians rather than do the cowardly thing and follow Washington's instructions in fueling an unwinnable "to the last Ukrainian" war....because that's ok...as David Cameron told the yanks some months back, its a wonderful war, one that doesn't cost a single American life. The European's proving to be equally cowardly - while also damaging Europe at the same time. He's racist for not allowing the migrant free-flow into Hungary? Quite the opposite. He's showing a spine and leadership on the issue. And you were calling me a communist!
The social media Kool-Aid has well and truly been drunken!

Cheap commentary that doesn't in any way address the issue I raised. While social media comes in all forms, you can't simply dismiss it all in one foul swoop. Von der Liar believes that SHE will decide what is truth and what is lies. If anyone doesn't see how utterly wrong and utterly dangerous that would be, I have no words...

RTE, the terrorist apologists that they are, don't distinguish between combatants and non-combatants when reporting deaths in Gaza. Neither do the Irish Times. So it's hard to know how many civilians have been killed in Gaza.
Ah you mean if you give Israel the mandate (that they're not looking for from anyone as the yanks have given them carte blanche) to indiscriminately bomb every inch of Gaza, then they might also kill a few Hamas active service members? Who could possibly see the problem with that?

What would probably reduce the civilian casualty rates would be if the Hamas terrorists stopped using their own women and children as human shields but that won't happen.

You mean that because Hamas employ guerilla warfare, then the Geneva Convention doesn't need to be applied to Israel? No problem with that logic, right? We have at least one resident zionist on AAM.
Wonder how many of these guys participated in the rape of Jewish men and women?
What rape of Jewish men and women? After Oct. 7, this was the claim - but reporting since then has found that most of those zionist claims were lies. Meanwhile, we've had the zionists doing the raping, with one in particular, rather than locked up, celebrated and brought onto national TV in Israel as a fine upstanding zionist for his actions.
Im just surprised this isnt huge world news
It is major news but it's being toned in a certain way with no mention of the fact that it breaches the Geneva Convention. Had it been Hezbollah that carried it out, the reportage would be entirely different.
No but for me the concern is that basic devices that eceryone or anyone could have are set up in a way where they can be remotely detonated. This has ramifications past present and future re devices we all use day to day. I dont see much concern in the emdia rw this particular point
Hezbollah is designated a terrorist organisation by the EU. Hungary openly supplies Hezbollah with materiel.
Hezbollah forms part of a government of a country who Ireland has diplomatic relations with. It's also an organization that has been established to combat occupation. Any people who have had their lands occupied have the right to self defence.

Meanwhile, the EU is standing idly by while a genocide takes place and is actively financing the death of the entire Ukranian population for the benefit of the United States ...and its proxy war and agenda.
No but for me the concern is that basic devices that eceryone or anyone could have are set up in a way where they can be remotely detonated. This has ramifications past present and future re devices we all use day to day. I dont see much concern in the emdia rw this particular point
You don't because it was perpetrated by the Israelis (and likely with U.S. support).
that's not my reading of it but not worth falling out over
An ambiguity which can happen on this medium. When I said "implanted in a foreign country" I meant the devices were implanted in the pagers in Hungary but clearly Hezbollah imported the pagers into Lebanon. It is not as if Hungary is Israel friendly and facilitated this incredible subterfuge.
You don't because it was perpetrated by the Israelis (and likely with U.S. support).
I appreciate that but thats not my point.

I dont care who perpetrated it. The concernnis that this kind of things has been done and is capable of being done againm who knows if our devies are safe.
Hezbollah forms part of a government of a country who Ireland has diplomatic relations with.
Ireland has diplomatic relations with Russia. Hezbollah has a political and para military wing. (Where did I see that before). It is its para wing that is designated terrorist.
Meanwhile, the EU is standing idly by while a genocide takes place and is actively financing the death of the entire Ukranian population for the benefit of the United States ...and its proxy war and agenda.
Fact check: Ukrainian Population 40 million; civilian deaths in 2 and a half year 12,000; military deaths 80,000. And when the entire population of Ukraine has been eliminated you will blame the Americans and not the Russians:mad:

"Von der Liar", straight out of the Donald Trump/Elon Musk playbook. And you admonish @Purple for his "cheap commentary".
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Says the guy who conveniently overlooks the indiscriminate bombing of civilians
Callous and vengeful but not indiscriminate.
in an aggression that has claimed more women/children than any other proportionately,
Says who?
and one that has claimed a greater proportion of the overall population than any other.
Says who?
Cheap, inaccurate commentary. I'm no communist. Neither is Snowden.
No, he's a traitor who betrayed his country, weakened the democratic world and emboldened a murdering dictator.
The "nutter" that applies common sense and goes and talks with the Russians rather than do the cowardly thing and follow Washington's instructions in fueling an unwinnable "to the last Ukrainian" war....because that's ok...as David Cameron told the yanks some months back, its a wonderful war, one that doesn't cost a single American life.
So should the free world just let totalitarian dictatorships invade and oppress other democratic countries?

The European's proving to be equally cowardly - while also damaging Europe at the same time.
How so?
He's racist for not allowing the migrant free-flow into Hungary?
No, he's a racist because of the racists things he says and the racist policies he's enacted.
Nobody's allowing a free flow of migrants into Europe.
Quite the opposite. He's showing a spine and leadership on the issue.
Yes, racist leadership.
Cheap commentary that doesn't in any way address the issue I raised. While social media comes in all forms, you can't simply dismiss it all in one foul swoop. Von der Liar believes that SHE will decide what is truth and what is lies. If anyone doesn't see how utterly wrong and utterly dangerous that would be, I have no words...
When did she say that?
See saying things like that makes you sound like you've finished off the social media Kool Aid.
Ah you mean if you give Israel the mandate (that they're not looking for from anyone as the yanks have given them carte blanche) to indiscriminately bomb every inch of Gaza, then they might also kill a few Hamas active service members?

No, that's not what I mean at all.
When you describe the people who murdered as many civilians as they could get their hands on on October 7th and now use their own people as human shields as "active service members" and Israeli soldiers and politicians as Zionists in a pejorative way it also makes you sound like you're fond of the social media Kool Aid.
Who could possibly see the problem with that?
You don't want them to bomb Gaza because Hamas are using their own people as human shields and you don't want them to target terrorists by blowing up their pagers. Should the Israelis just roll over and let Hamas etc just kill them?
You mean that because Hamas employ guerilla warfare, then the Geneva Convention doesn't need to be applied to Israel?
Should the Geneva Convention apply to the Government of Gaza (Hamas)?
No problem with that logic, right? We have at least one resident zionist on AAM.
Do you think that Israel has the right to exist? If so you're a Zionist. If not you're advocating genocide (actual Genocide).
Ireland has diplomatic relations with Russia. Hezbollah has a political and para military wing. (Where did I see that before). It is its para wing that is designated terrorist.

Fact check: Ukrainian Population 40 million; civilian deaths in 2 and a half year 12,000; military deaths 80,000. And when the entire population of Ukraine has been eliminated you will blame the Americans and not the Russians:mad:

"Von der Liar", straight out of the Donald Trump/Elon Musk playbook. And you admonish @Purple for his "cheap commentary".
I know. I shouldn't engage. Maybe I should post a reading list so people can actually inform themselves of the history of the region.
Meanwhile, the EU is standing idly by while a genocide takes place and is actively financing the death of the entire Ukranian population for the benefit of the United States ...and its proxy war and agenda.
I never took you as a useful idiot for Putin , the same as Clare Daly and Mick Wallace et al. Whatever points you have made about the pager attacks are completely nullified by this blatant russian propaganda and lies. The only country responsible for war in Ukraine is Russia. nobody else, its an imperialistic land grab by Putin who fantasizes that he is Peter the Great and all the other nonsense he has spouted. Its up to the US and the west in general to stop this nonsense and put Putin back in his box, the problem is that the US and West is not doing enough and is not giving Ukraine the help it needs
Callous and vengeful but not indiscriminate.
That's a very unfunny joke. The indiscriminate killing of 40,000 civilians is a war crime along ethnic cleansing lines.

No, he's a traitor who betrayed his country, weakened the democratic world and emboldened a murdering dictator.
You stick with that. To me and to millions more, he's a hero who had the courage to speak out. The world would be a better place if we had more Snowdens. As regards the last part of your comment, I've no notion what that's about. Snowden sought asylum in Russia - that's it. What interaction has he had with Putin?

Because these cowards are writing checks with citizens money to fund a "to the last Ukrainian" war. Had this war involved sending U.S. and European troops in, it would never have even got up off the ground. And of course this one hadn't either until Boris Johnson flew in as Ukraine and Russia had reached a peaceful agreement and doing America's bidding, he had them tear it up.

No, he's a racist because of the racists things he says and the racist policies he's enacted.
Nobody's allowing a free flow of migrants into Europe.
Yes, racist leadership.
He's well within his rights to advocate for the good of his own country. According to you, there is no illegal migrant issue in Europe? And there are no social issues caused in EU states as a consequence of either illegal migration or wayward migration policy in the past in EU member states? He provides leadership, something that is lacking entirely among the rest of the European set. The migrant thing is an excuse to tar and feather him because he's not going along with their nonsense.

When did she say that?
At Davos in January under the guise of controlling "disinformation" and "misinformation."

See saying things like that makes you sound like you've finished off the social media Kool Aid.
Saying things like this in an attempt to discredit tells its own story. All manner of things are discussed on social media and all manner of inaccuracies exist, sure. That, however, doesn't mean you get to blanket discredit everything that appears via social media. By the same token, implicit in your stance is some notion that legacy media and government provide us with the divine word. That's ridiculous. We live in a world where everything should be challenged, whether on social media or the word of Von der Liar.

Of course I understand entirely how you wouldn't get that. My views on Ukraine weren't welcome here a year or two back - in a conversation that involved you. I was locked out of responding (AKA censorship) and in DM, you said that was perfectly fine - and proceeded to take a free shot, knowing I couldn't respond. ;)

When you describe the people who murdered as many civilians as they could get their hands on on October 7th and now use their own people as human shields as "active service members" and Israeli soldiers and politicians as Zionists in a pejorative way it also makes you sound like you're fond of the social media Kool Aid.
There you go again with your "social media" whitewash. Every party to this discussion is getting their information in relation to this matter via a third party. All such information should be challenged - not just the bits you dislike. As regards this nonsense about "human shields", they don't have a standard army. There are many conflicts in the world where there isn't a standard army. I mean, I'm sure you would like all active members of Hamas to line up in a field and be mown down by firepower they don't have but strangely enough, they're not down with that. On the basis that they engage in guerilla warfare, you believe that gives the zionists carte blanche to bomb schools, hospitals, refugee camps, etc. Those are not the thoughts of a decent human being - quite the opposite.

On the matter of October 7, how many did the IDF kill as per the Hannibal Directive?

You don't want them to bomb Gaza because Hamas are using their own people as human shields and you don't want them to target terrorists by blowing up their pagers. Should the Israelis just roll over and let Hamas etc just kill them?
I'm sorry that it's inconvenient for you and your fellow zionists that Hamas employs guerilla tactics but as we've seen elsewhere in the world, there are certain rules of engagement and it involves avoiding the indiscriminate killing of women and children and civilians in general. That's the farthest thing from what we've seen from the IDF and zionist leadership.

Should the Geneva Convention apply to the Government of Gaza (Hamas)?
You're asking me should the Geneva Convention apply to the administration of a concentration camp filled with displaced people from other parts of Palestine who had their lands taken from them be subject to the Geneva Convention? Yes, everyone should. But you will try and make excuses for the indiscriminate killing of 40,000 civilians on the basis of much smaller scale breaches by others. That's downright wrong. What if the Brits applied that approach in N.I. in the 70s and 80s? You think that would have been A. justified or B. would have resulted in the right outcome for them in the long run (something your zionist buddies have not thought through. The road is long and the bitterness and hate that will come out of this will mean this thing goes on for generations to come...and the yanks may not always be there to help with the genocide).

Do you think that Israel has the right to exist? If so you're a Zionist. If not you're advocating genocide (actual Genocide).
On the basis of what has been set out right now by Mr. Mileikowsky, your Polish zionist leader, absolutely not. There have been plenty of jews pushing back against the crimes of Mileikowsky.

I wouldn't be too worried about it.
Yes, of course - lets trample all over the Geneva Convention some more. It's a nuisance and it's getting in the way of things.

They'll be reduced to communicating with 2 cans on a piece of string after this.
The stupidity here is that they won't win. History has shown us that the genocide won't work and they're going to pay the price over the decades to come....and those people will use whatever the hell they have - even if that's 2 cans and a piece of string.

I never took you as a useful idiot for Putin , the same as Clare Daly and Mick Wallace et al. Whatever points you have made about the pager attacks are completely nullified by this blatant russian propaganda and lies. The only country responsible for war in Ukraine is Russia. nobody else, its an imperialistic land grab by Putin who fantasizes that he is Peter the Great and all the other nonsense he has spouted. Its up to the US and the west in general to stop this nonsense and put Putin back in his box, the problem is that the US and West is not doing enough and is not giving Ukraine the help it needs
Lol. So my opinion, differing from yours, means that it's "propaganda." I mean I struggle to get any decent "propaganda" as the first thing that the yanks and Europeans did is censor any information put out by the other side...the very thing that they accuse their adversaries of doing. Theres an old saying, "the first casualty of war is the truth." You'll notice that they don't specify that the casualty occurs on one side.

Russia will "win" that war - and I put that in inverted commas because they're paying the price in blood - while these weak, cowardly leaders in Europe play their part in a proxy war as vassal states of the U.S., sending on arms and $ - but not troops..because had they to do that from day 1, this war would never have even started. The Russians don't swallow the same bs that you do. This is existential for them...and its for that reason you don't see instances of Russians trying to avoid being shipped off to the front like you do every single day in Ukraine as Zelensky's goons drag people off the street and bundle them into vans (do they show you that on RTE?). Europe is losing big time for its actions in this and it will going forward because it now has given Russia no choice but to militarize. Russia's borders with the EU are hostile and they will remain hostile after the Ukraine thing is settled...as the Russians are moving forward with their eastern neighbors. As for the U.S., I guess they'll be happy. All the people's money going from one hand into the hands of Lockheed et al. Meanwhile, the Russians getting killed without having to put one yank at risk is a perfect war for them.
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