We have had the full turnkey house from Griffner, it was then Griffner Coillte but same product, more or less. We felt the idea to get a turnkey would leave us with little management and hassle and also get a good quality house in terms of structure and finish. I estimate it cost close to €100k more with GC than a traditional build but the finish is a lot better as is the quality. HOWEVER I would not do it again. I had to be on site every day, mistakes made on a continuous basis. The build took 1 year not 10-12 weeks quoted. the house was a dormer, 170 square metres. The snags are not addressed, seems like similar picture with all the people I know that have used Griffner. The more serious issues is we still do ot have the premier bond cert. we have leaking shower due to poor (very very poor quality tiling) that has not been addressed, so we have had no shower in main bathroom for 9 months now. tiles fall off, damaged our car, Griffner took responsibility which was good buit then failed to pay (€2k damage to a brand new car). Note the crew had been to anohter house same day (no wind on any of the days) with same issues. ridge tiles just not nailed. the wall and the roof do not meeproperly so we have holes/gaps there. birds now using these for nesting. the list goes on and on. Main advise is:
1. you need a project manager even with a full turnkey
2. make sure to have a full snag list done, using acredited architect
3. use your solicitor to make sure all is well documented
4. do not move into the house before you are 100% complete with it- this is hard but worth it
5. when you do move in document everything, let nobody in without writing their name and issue down. (we have had issues with leaks been denied after they were inspected and confimred, door locks not working and then denied etc etc.
6. do not buy from any company unless you have witnessed at least as many positive owners/buyers than negative. i have found no positive Griffner owners yet.
7. do not fall for the finish, many look great, the process to get their can be a nighmare.
We also built a house in Sweden, took half the time and no hassle, it is possible.