Thanks for your detailed reply. I understand how you intend to run the new pricing system. However, the example figures you have given below are completely dependent on the bin weights which you have assumed? What are these based on? I have no idea how much my full bins (black or brown) weigh, or much I typically put out per week in terms of kg. I assume that most of your other customers are in the same position?
I have a large black bin and a small brown bin. Can you give me any indication of what the typical weights of these bins are? Does it vary a lot, depending on how much households use their green and brown bins? We already put as much as possible in our green and brown bins.
You have also used a generic statement below saying "The new pricing structure is aimed to reduced the cost for customers over the course of the year." I don't know how you can make this statement because it is completely dependent on how often people put their (full) bins out. My wife and I currently only need to put our black and brown bins out every 2 months, as there are only the two of us. This amounts to approx €95 per year under the current pricing structure.
Under the new pricing structure, we will have paid €60 before we have even had a bin lifted. Lets say we use your assumed figure of €3.10 below for a black bin weight of 10kg every month. This amounts to €37.20 over the course of a year. So I'm already at a total of €97.20 before I even have any brown bins collected.
I'm not trying to be difficult about this. I'm just trying to point out that the new system does not suit everyone. You also seem to making the point that if people put their bins out every week with small amounts in them, then they will save money. This makes no sense. People will just be paying smaller amounts more frequently, the end result is still the same! I currently have no problem putting my bin out every two months, it is of no issue to me. In fact, I would rather not have the hassle of having to put 3 bins out every week.
I would also express concerns about putting out bins that are mainly empty. A lot of households put out their bins in the morning and then leave the house for the day for work or school etc. How is anyone to know if a neighbour or anyone else has put more waste into your bin, which you will then pay for. Have Greyhound considered this issue? There will also be a general issue with the fact that people will not know if the figures they are being charged are correct, because they won't know the weights of their bins? Is this not going to lead to a lot of disputes between Greyhound and their customers?
Finally, I was told on the phone yesterday that I would be allowed to keep my bins. Access are prepared to let me use my current bins. They will change the labels etc on them. Is it not easier for Greyhound if they do not have to come and collect my bins? Is it really necessary for me to give them back?