Greens pull plug


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Greens have called for January election.

And true to form, Lenihan has denied the greens are about to quit the government. What a joke.

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And true to form, Lenihan has denied the greens are about to quit the government. What a joke.
Really, he leaves Chemical Ali in the ha'lpenny place. Maybe he'll try the old 'we have turned the corner' line again.
Now watch the FF TDs come out with the knifes for Cowen. Gombeens trying to protect their patch.

Hopefully the FF party will be wiped off the map in the coming general election.
Give FF some credit, not once during the announcement yesterday did the mention Lehman Brothers.

According to a TD on the radio this morning (missed the name) the "worst" thing the Brians did was lie last week to the party. Really? That's the worst?

Greens have no choice but to pull. By the sounds of it, the Finance Bill will be passed anyway by the Dail so it won't impact things there.
Lowry and Healy-Rae have joined calls for an election.
Will these people vote for the budget knowing they will be facing the electorate a few weeks later?
I suspect that FF will get rid of Cowen, put Lenihan in place and hope that they will save some seats by doing this.

FF have to be annihilated !

At least we now know they are out of here..
I think there were fairly tight timelines for the Greens press announcement (having notified the Taoiseach only immediately beforehand) so the interview with Lenihan referred to here probably occured before he had been told anything. But that shouldn't stop ye comparing him to various monsters from history, carry on....
Needs to be pointed out that the deadline for registering to vote is Thursday.

If you want to make a change, then you'll need to register asap.
They should have waited until january to scupper the government. Public sentiment aside, this is just going to cause more market instability and probably another ratings downgrade.

I see no upside for the country making this announcement now other than making FF haters happy.
It's going to make it an interesting few weeks.
FF may have no choice but to frame the budget with FG and Lab.
Backbenchers will be looking after their own agenda now with an election a few weeks later.
Public sentiment aside, this is just going to cause more market instability and probably another ratings downgrade.
The market is irrelevant in the next couple of years as a result of the EU/IMF bailout - as is our ratings. So there is nothing to be gained by waiting until January. So the sooner the better.
I see no upside for the country making this announcement now other than making FF haters happy.
Something that'll make 83% of the population happy? :D
What's wrong with that?
It actually seems that the internation view is that if there isn't a general election, that would send out a bad message. The main issue of concern internationally is that the Finance Bill is passed, it seems that there is cross-party agreement not to oppose it.

What isn't wanted is continued instability and confusion as to if, when, maybe the current government remains. Much more support for an election in the short term and the new government having that new term to provide some stability.
The market is irrelevant in the next couple of years as a result of the EU/IMF bailout - as is our ratings. So there is nothing to be gained by waiting until January. So the sooner the better.

This is incorrect. The markets are very relevant. Just because we have enough money to last us until next June doesn't rule us going back to the open markets for money if rates were favourable. The money from the IMF is mainly to solve the banks, we are not getting to write an unlimited IOU.
Rating companies are quick to downgrade but slow to upgrade.

The whole idea of the IMF/ECB loans was to reassure the markets that we were safe to borrow to.
Contrary to previous posts. The international view is that the existing government have done everything right but everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. Brian Cowen was voted one of the top ten international leaders not so long ago.

Regardless of what people think of Brian Cowen or FF, the change of government brings about instability. The Greens should have waited until after the budget, the IMF deal and the 4 year plan was completed.

This is just throwing more instability into the pot.

Personally I want to see FF out but timing could have been a lot better.
This is incorrect. The markets are very relevant. Just because we have enough money to last us until next June doesn't rule us going back to the open markets for money if rates were favourable. The money from the IMF is mainly to solve the banks, we are not getting to write an unlimited IOU.
Rating companies are quick to downgrade but slow to upgrade.

The whole idea of the IMF/ECB loans was to reassure the markets that we were safe to borrow to.
Are ye sure about that? That's not the impression I got - I thought the idea was that we wouldn't be going back to the markets for a few years now and that when we need further funding we would draw down from the fund set up by the EU/IMF?