Investment Under consideration: Greenman Open Fund
ISSUER: Greenman Investments SCA
ISIN: LU2074594297
Legal Structure SICAV
Domicile Luxembourg
When constructing a portfolio, investors are seeking to take advantage of the non-correlation between different asset classes to reduce portfolio volatility and risk profile. In a multi-asset class portfolio, the differing risk reward parameters of cash, fixed interest securities, property and equities have long been used to provide superior risk adjusted returns.
Because of this, our due diligence process is constantly on the lookout for new opportunities for investment which are uncorrelated with other asset classes.
What is Greenman Open Fund
An alternative Investment Fund (AIF) promoted by an Irish company, predominantly via Friends First Self-directed Pensions investing in German “Strip-mall style” retail parks predominantly in food retail.
Is it a unique investment option?
No, because other commercial property vehicles exist, it is necessary to compare this with the alternatives in order to assess which is the best investment option.
Gearing – the fund borrows to invest which has the effect of increasing the investment risk and therefore potential gains and losses for investors
Charges – in global terms this is a relatively small fund and therefore has higher charges than comparable alternatives
Diversification – The fund only invests in Germany where our preference is to invest globally
Daily priced – no, the fund is
quarterly priced and has lockins
Risk Warnings
Liquidity risk
Investments in the fund should be considered illiquid.
The fund intends to use a substantial portion of the funds to purchase direct property investments with gearing
Such an investment is essentially illiquid. Therefore the fund may not have access to liquid assets to make any payment to shareholders unless additional subscriptions can be attracted or a property sold.
Accordingly, delays may occur in redemption payments. In order to increase the funds liquidity, the Manager will seek to hold “adequate” cash to match redemptions which will result in “cash drag” reducing performance potential
Investment risk
It should be remembered that the price of the Shares and the income (if any) from them can go down as well as up and that, on the redemption of their Shares, investors may not receive the amount that they originally invested. The volatility in the value of investments may be reduced by investing as part of a diversified portfolio with adequate liquidity.
The return on the investment will be dependent in large part upon the ability and expertise of the investment Adviser to source and price the investments. The pricing of a property is dependent upon the quarterly valuations provided by the valuer and these are a matter of opinion until a property is sold.
Given the availability of lower cost, larger, more liquid and more globally diversified commercial property investments we see no reason to favour this fund over the alternatives.