Yes I am but don’t expect those who complain about private GP fees yet expect instant access; gold standard service & unlimited time for their appointment to agree with this.@Steve00
I was under the impression that private fees are high, as they are used to subsidise the GMS patients?
You seem to suggest the opposite?
My GP charged me €80 this morning up from €70 last year. I paid his secretary on the way out so I was spared the usual "Insuuuuurance costs, costa livin' crisis, supployers chorging more ...." spiel by him.
Thanks mct1A doctor has to either sign or sanction a repeat prescription, so I would take that to be a de facto consultation.
I’ve used GPs in Ireland and elsewhere in Europe.
In Ireland they are for sure more expensive. OTOH consultations are not as rushed and there is a lot more of an admin burden on GPs with respect to referral letters, passing on test results etc. It’s a more litigious culture in Ireland as well which has a cost but probably leads to more thorough treatment.
I don’t find GPs in Ireland overpaid given the workload, training, and level of responsibility on their shoulders.
My real surname is Merkwürdigliebe and I’m not a medical doctor….you're hardly a neutral observer, Doctor Strangelove