Got final warning about my motor tax dated ten days before.. but I got no reminder.

How about scrapping the whole idea of reminders altogether?

If you own a car you have a legal responsibility to ensure it's taxed. I know my annual tax falls due in June. Not that hard to remember.
Because of the unions..there would be huge resistance to this as it would mean those PS workers whose job it is to send reminders would be null and void,though come to think of it ,like the Dlrcc bin workers there jobs would still have to be maintained!
So we would have even more PS workers with nothing to do and all day to do it...
Cork county council do not send out reminders of driving licences that are due to expire. Easy to forget when it's for 10 years, but no major cost one would imagine for them to do.

They do however send out notices of dog licences that are due to expire. :rolleyes:
Because of the unions..there would be huge resistance to this as it would mean those PS workers whose job it is to send reminders would be null and void,though come to think of it ,like the Dlrcc bin workers there jobs would still have to be maintained!
So we would have even more PS workers with nothing to do and all day to do it...
This is nonsense. There are no public sector workers with nothing to do all day - quite the reverse.

There is no union objection to sensible changes to public services. The DLRCC bin workers have all been reallocated to other posts in the council, to make up for some of the staff that have been lost and not replaced due to embargoes etc.

It might help if you stick to the facts.
More than 1,600 full-time jobs have been filled in the public service despite the recruitment ban .
More than 1,600 full-time jobs have been filled in the public service despite the recruitment ban .
Nice attempt to shift the goalposts. The only posts that have been filled are ones that have the personal approval of the Minister for Finance. That is the terms of the embargo.

But do let me know whenever you'd like to get back on topic.
oh that's alright then! Once we have the approval of the minister sure we are grand,sorted..
This government approved a lot of things...which a lot of us are suffering the consequences of now...
For your information,we are discussing how to implement a fair reasonable system of giving people notice of when their car tax is due,and whether you like it or not the PS are responsible for that,so saying that a logical ,fair and reasonable system,would have the PS and the unions putting up major obstacles to that,is in fact not off topic..
For your information,we are discussing how to implement a fair reasonable system of giving people notice of when their car tax is due,and whether you like it or not the PS are responsible for that,so saying that a logical ,fair and reasonable system,would have the PS and the unions putting up major obstacles to that,is in fact not off topic..
Would you like to tell the class how you came up with the idea of 'unions putting up major obstacles'? Having you been watching those 1970's sitcoms again?
Would you like to tell the class how you came up with the idea of 'unions putting up major obstacles'? Having you been watching those 1970's sitcoms again?

Exhibit A above ,of how some have to resort to this type of tactic of demeaning and childish replies..
Exhibit A above ,of how some have to resort to this type of tactic of demeaning and childish replies..

Is this more diversionary tactics? You're using my post of today to just your post from yesterday? Unless you are telepathic, it doesn't work that way.

I'm not a union official. I don't decide union responses to changes in technology. So using my comments to justify your expectations about unions is way off the mark.

I guess this just means that you had absolutely no basis for your claim that the unions would obstruct any change in approach.
Red herrings being thrown in a lot,a definite diversionary tactic.
Once again ..there is a simple solution to the issue of the tax reminders, these are to give people the choice.

This would mean you could decide to have a reminder by text, by email or by post.
I suggest that the person to whom chooses the reminder to be sent by post should be charged for it ,and also a charge for a text,email is obviously easier.

Obstacles ,which I have no doubt will be put forward, will be as ridiculous as ,people wont remember to check their emails, they will change their email address,they will change their mobile number etc etc,to the point where it is next to impossible to implement..of course the unions will try to make sure their members jobs are saved,but this will lead to no change..

I hope at the very least that posters on AAM can now see how a very simple ,cost effective solution which is easier on the tax payer and much more efficient ,comes up against ridiculous obstacles....
You seem to be a fan of the Charlie McCreevy (Decentralisation) and the Martin Cullen (eVoting) school of project management, which goes something like this;

1) Take one idea that looks superficially attractive
2) Don't look too deeply into it, because that might show up some flaws or problems
3) Bully or slag off anyone who points out any flaws in your great plan - there is no possibility that they can see something that you don't, because you're so special.
4) Breeze ahead and spend someone else's money - sure it doesn't really matter whether it works out or not.

I'd prefer that we do actually understand the obstacles involved, so that we can either make sensible decisions about whether to proceed, or we can work out alternatives to get around these obstacles. Denial is not a river in Egypt.

I'll make my 3rd and final attempt to see if there is any semblance of reality behind your claim of union obstruction - would you like to clarify if there is any particular reasoning (beyond your own personal predjudices, that is) for this claim, or should I just give up and let you continue to keep making things up?
I am amazed that my idea to deliver a more efficient solution should attract such a hostile response. But then again, in the real world, companies must constantly strive for competitive advantage by looking for ways to deliver better customer service, at less cost - this is the key to staying alive as a business.

Of course, in the sheltered sector - management (most of whom are unionised) and employees(all of whom are unionised) are absolutely resistant to challenging the status quo; because they have a copper-bottomed guarantee that they will not be made redundant, no matter how poorly they perform, or how badly customers are treated.

Let's get real, the most powerful vested interest groups in Ireland are public sector unions - and most of their energies are focused on defending the indefensible, regardless of the cost. I don't expect apologists for this approach to acknowledge reality - because reality threatens their cosy cartel.
One for all and scratch that......all for the few!!

Now that complainers objections/red herrings/slagging off and childish replies have been dealt with,Please see my ideas and suggestions which are simple and straightforward, revenue generating and cost and time effective,but will still have many obstacles thrown their way...
OK, so we've confirmed that
a) There is no basis for your claim about union objections, and
b) you continue to avoid any sensible question about your proposals.

More half-assed solutions from the AAM armchair experts.
OK, so we've confirmed that
a) There is no basis for your claim about union objections, and
b) you continue to avoid any sensible question about your proposals.

More half-assed solutions from the AAM armchair experts.

Charming!! I'm sure many posters would be fairly insulted by your aggressive tone and calling there solutions "half -assed".

I always find when people have to resort to name calling and slagging off and then insulting the posters and their solutions ,that they are usually unable to articulate themselves and resort to that type of post..
I always find when people have to resort to name calling and slagging off and then insulting the posters and their solutions ,that they are usually unable to articulate themselves
Or else they've been articulating away, and they've come up against a poster who;
a) just ignores anything they like, and
b) refuses to justify their half-assed claims that have no basis in the real world.

Take your pick.
Meh, mere tittle tattle again.

I've thought of a genius solution to the reminder problem. If I were in charge, rather than posting reminders or emails, texts, whatever, I'd give people a relatively large disc that they can put on the windscreen of their cars with the expiry month/year printed in dirty great big letters. That way not only can they prove they've paid the tax, but every time they go to their car they can see when they have to pay.

And no Bolshevik, Castroite, apparatchik, commie union members are going to stand in the way of that one.
Meh, mere tittle tattle again.

I've thought of a genius solution to the reminder problem. If I were in charge, rather than posting reminders or emails, texts, whatever, I'd give people a relatively large disc that they can put on the windscreen of their cars with the expiry month/year printed in dirty great big letters. That way not only can they prove they've paid the tax, but every time they go to their car they can see when they have to pay.

And no Bolshevik, Castroite, apparatchik, commie union members are going to stand in the way of that one.

+1 (as per post 61). Get rid of reminders altogether - we're not children ffs.
Meh, mere tittle tattle again.

I've thought of a genius solution to the reminder problem. If I were in charge, rather than posting reminders or emails, texts, whatever, I'd give people a relatively large disc that they can put on the windscreen of their cars with the expiry month/year printed in dirty great big letters. That way not only can they prove they've paid the tax, but every time they go to their car they can see when they have to pay.

And no Bolshevik, Castroite, apparatchik, commie union members are going to stand in the way of that one.

+ 2

People have such a helpless nanny state mentality nowdays. Next they'll be asking the Government to send someone along to their house to hold their hands and bring them to the tax office.
plus 3... however if we have to have a reminder lets at least do it cost effectively and efficiently...