Got final warning about my motor tax dated ten days before.. but I got no reminder.

jeez, you're a bit sanctimonious aren't you? There is a penalty for non payment. I've already said I've paid the tax, arrears and interest. The issue here is not the late payment, it's the system. It sucks. They supposedly send reminders - they didn't. The final notice doesn't include the PIN required to pay online even though the reminder does. The final notice was late. The motor tax office then can't tell you when it was posted without 'going down to the mail room'. There's no call logging system at the motor tax office. My gripe wasn't with paying tax (although the amount sticks in the craw) it's with the messed up systems they have.

The thing is you, and others seem to take great self righteous delight in telling me how I ought to have paid when it was due. I guess you've never forgotten to pay a bill yourself or dealt with any govt agency and had to deal with a messed up system that makes life difficult.

I'm not telling you how and when you ought to pay your bills and I certainly don't take any delight. I've missed loads of bills over the years and have had to deal with the consequences (including penalty fees on credit cards where appropriate).

I just think it's a bit rich blaming the tax office because they don't stroke your tummy and beg the way you think they should.
oh come on. I'm not blaming anybody for not paying on time. I've paid the tax in the end. Thats not the point and I dont recall begging. I'm having a go at the system. Maybe its your tummy that needs stroking - lots of wind there *g*
If breathing was a voluntary action, there are some who would be dead becasue they felt it was someone's else's responsibility to remind them to exhale.
If only you were as vigilant of your bills as you are of this thread, you wouldn't need reminders.
This post will be deleted if not edited immediately - the guy came on to "Let Off Steam" about not getting a reminder and people end up having a go at him.

It must be great to be perfect and be able to pay every bill that hits your hall floor on time without ever forgetting one.
I'm a quick study Staples. From your sharp wit and incisive commentary I'd say you work in motor tax... was I talking to you myself last week? There's a whiff of the civil service about you
I'm a quick study Staples. From your sharp wit and incisive commentary I'd say you work in motor tax... was I talking to you myself last week? There's a whiff of the civil service about you

I don't work for the motor tax office but curiously I'm in touch with them every year when they send me a renewal notice for my car. Maybe that's where I pick up my sharp wit and incisive commentary.
You didn't get a renewal notice?

I read it that you didn't get a reminder (which is distinct from the initial renewal notice).

If you didn't get a renewal notice but only got the final reminder (and late) then I would agree that you've been shabbily treated. The tax office was at fault and should have done better.

I take it all back. Apologies for the insults and insinuations.
Am I right in thinking that in NI, if you don't renew your motor tax, and you don't submit the form to scrap the car, you get an automatic fine after some weeks?
Motor Tax....

I got 2 today. One renewal notice for my current car and a final reminder for the car I changed in June.
gallyslave; I posted that I would email John Gormley, re a text reminder,and heres the reply.

Hope we see some improvement!
Your suggestion with regard to such reminders is amongst a range of
cost-saving measures currently being considered by the two Departments
concerned with the Online System

Two departments!! Surely those looking at cost-cutting measures should start here.
I'll be honest here - I only ever pay my motor tax online. AFAIK you need the renewal to do this in the first place as they give you a code. I wouldn't even know where to pay it if not for this.
Here is what I have suggested;
(a) motorists have the option ( at their own cost) to have the reminder sent to them,

(b) that they can be emailed the reminder and/or

(c) they can be sent a reminder by text..

I cannot begin to imagine the cost of notifying each and every motorist that their car tax is due.
When postage, envelopes,paper,ink,staff time etc is taken into account it must be huge,and as I have mentioned above this may have to be done twice!! therefore surely some saving would be made,and most importantly to the environment?

Obviously a pin number could be included in a text,or email..