is there an implication there of more taxation or scrutiny?
I certainly hope so and hope it leads to the withdrawal of State subsidies from the industry that is the plaything of the Ruler of Dubai, O'Leary, Desmond, Magnier, and their ilk, none of them stuck for the few bob. The State's subsidy is chump-change to them, but not to the sick, the poor, the elderly, and the homeless in Ireland. Between this and the subsidy paid to the disgraced greyhound industry, there's €100M/annum being denied the needy of this country.
The company behind Listowel racecourse is appealing a refusal by Revenue to grant it charitable status back in 2014. Listowel Race Company filed its High Court appeal last Thursday. In 2014 Revenue rejected Listowel's assertion that horse racing was an "athletic sport" and should be seen as involving two athletes, a jockey and a horse. They failed to note that the purpose of the jockey-athlete is to beat the horse-athlete in order to make it run faster. Out of love and respect for the animal of course. The TAC backed Revenue's decision noting that a race-course "does not exist for the sole purpose of promoting horseracing even if one was to regard [that] as a sport". [This paragraph heavily paraphrasing ST article published, Sunday 07/03/2021 and titled "Racecourse runs to High Court in tax relief dispute" by Colin Coyle]
In the same newspaper, Brenda Power details some of the behaviours ascribed to Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum and accepted as fact in a London divorce-court last year. I'm not suggesting that anyone else associated with the Maktoums, Godolphin or the four stud farms it operates in this country would behave in a similar manner, but as a junior Brit Royal discovered to his cost and to the everlasting shame and embarrassment of his family, if you lie down with dogs, you may get up with more than fleas.
I'm not an apologist for Power or Coyle, their writing touched on topical matters of interest to me. For other views on horsey-related stuff, refer to the same publications letters page.