"Joe, any interesting links to investment views of Tony O'Reilly or Soros you'd like to share?"
Well I took Tony O' Reilly's quote from the gold.ie website it is near the bottom of this link
[broken link removed]
Also printed it here
"Asian economies are growing while Europe and the US are in decline . The solution is for the major economies to adjust their currencies to levels which reflect today's economic reality. There is a general feeling that Europe, particularly "old Europe" as a manufacturing and potentially services area, is, or will become, increasingly uncompetitive . . .
Essentially this means that manufacturing and services in Europe will be a shadow of their former selves . . .
In the medium and long term - not to speak in certain cases of the short term - this bodes ill for Ireland, and for Europe.
The question is what can be done about it? . . .
There are a number of answers, not least being a growing sense of awareness both in Europe and the US, that they are engaged, as assuredly as they were in the Second World War, in a major battle for economic prosperity and survival.
Simply stated, as we contemplate this growing struggle . . . it becomes clear that companies act in this way [relocate] because European and US currencies are overvalued in relation to Asian currencies, particularly the Chinese yuan.
The solution to this is a major and organised adjustment of currency parities. Otherwise, there is a risk of a drift to protectionism, as is actively being pursued in the US Senate today (and as happened, to drastic effect, in the 1930's with the Smoot-Hawley Act in the USA. . . .
I believe therefore that all the major parties, the EU, Britain, USA, China and Japan should urgently organise a major conference along the lines of the Plaza/Louvre Accords of 1985 and 1987 which would indicate that the parties believe is fair value for a basket of currencies for a period of say, 5 years, and a concurrent declaration that they will act in concert against any speculation or gross overvaluation of a particular currency against it's neighbours.
Such a declaration will bring economic stability and growth to the world on a steady and measured basis.
Nothing else will."
Asian economies are growing while Europe and the US are in decline
Sir Anthony O'Reilly, The Sunday Independent
There are many other good commentaries on this website. Admittedly there maybe a bias towards getting you to invest in bullion.