Giving the boss a bottle of cognac - he earns c.15k/month

Wow I can not believe this conversation, your Boss a bottle of Cognac.. give me a brake. If the Secretary wants to impress or groom his ego thats her problem, why do'nt you give the money to some one who would appreciate it, even a raffle. Its no wonder the country is in such a state, people need to get real.

OP, you have to update us!:)

Well, it seems an age ago now but still vivid in my memory, but for all the wrong reasons!

There were eight of us squashed shoulder to shoulder around a small shallow table. The boss was ordering plenty of red wine and I drank too much of it. When my colleague remarked that there was alcohol in the dessert, I replied that I couldn't taste it. Then my boss chipped in: "that's because you've had enough already."

I just ingored the remark. It was the wine that got me through the whole event.

Anyway, he was presented with his ******** book on Porsches which seemed to delight him no end. I felt even happier knowing I hadn't contributed a red cent towards it.

These occasions are hellish and I have no intention of attending next year.