In the name of god can you define an Atheist. And would god's definition of an Atheist sound too egotistical?
Then someone should get on to Bantam Press ...... the name of the tome is misleading. It (IMHO) should read "The Thing That Doesn't Exist's Delusion".
Then someone should get on to Bantam Press ...... the name of the tome is misleading. It (IMHO) should read "The Thing That Doesn't Exist's Delusion".
believes there is an infinite number of worlds which will cover EVERY single possibility that can exist.
In the name of god can you define an Atheist
Did anyone else read 'The God Delusion'?
Now I was a big fan of Richard Dawkins' "The Root of All Evil" TV programme, so I bought the book when I last went on holiday (I enjoy light reading!!).
However, as much as I took his point, he seems to be a believer in parallel universes and all that nonsense. He even gave an example, I believe, of a parallel universe where he has a green moustache!! Now he started to lose credibility with me at this point. He refuses to believe in a God but believes there is an infinite number of worlds which will cover EVERY single possibility that can exist.
However, as much as I took his point, he seems to be a believer in parallel universes and all that nonsense. He even gave an example, I believe, of a parallel universe where he has a green moustache!! Now he started to lose credibility with me at this point. He refuses to believe in a God but believes there is an infinite number of worlds which will cover EVERY single possibility that can exist.
Note that Dawkins appears to have conceded lately that life on earth may have had a designer - but from another planet !! (Should keep the scientologists happy!)
Really? I wasnt aware of this. Perhaps I should rethink my position on Atheism - I mean, if the Scientologists believe in Alien Design and now so does Richard Dawkins - well then - who am I to argue!
If you ask me who is more credulous, the more suggestible, the dopier, the more perfectly prepared to convey absurdity to an almost inconceivable pitch of personal enthusiasm - a well trained Jesuit or a PhD in quantum physics, I’ll go with the physicist every time.
Isnt this the basis of quantum theory or string theory etc?
Why is drug consumption a sin in the eyes of God? Surely if I grow a spamspamspam plant in my back yard and roll it up and smoke it quietly and dont bother anyone Im not committing any sins??? Where is the sin in it?
Alcohol is a is served at Mass.......go figure
It's not wine, it's blood according to them. So they have an out on that one.
You can have it both ways ........ if you drink Bull's Blood. I drank some years ago. Hungarian I think.It's not wine, it's blood according to them. So they have an out on that one.
Alcohol is a is served at Mass.......go figure
It's not wine, it's blood according to them. So they have an out on that one.
errr...if you went and did that id be worrying about something more than if it was a sin or notso if I went and bled someone to drink their blood it wouldnt be a sin?
errr...if you went and did that id be worrying about something more than if it was a sin or not