Give up yer new sins ...


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Catholic Church identifies new mortal sins for 'modern' times ....

Environmental pollution
Genetic manipulation
Accumulating excessive wealth
Inflicting poverty
Drug trafficking and consumption
Morally debatable experiments
Violation of fundamental rights of human nature

Surely these were always sins, just their method of implementation has changed over time ?
You said it Hoagy - isn't the Vatican reputedly one of the richest countries in the world? The hypocrisy of these guys is astonishing ... if you were to take them credibly that is!
"Yes Papa. I will do as you say and not as you do".
Does the "Genetic Manipulation" apply to everything including foods? ie GM crops modified to grow better in difficult conditions in some 3rd world countries?

Also, what is the definition of "inflicting poverty"? my wife does that to me every week when she goes shopping!
So I wonder have any "oul" sins been relegated from the mortal division then?
They're a bit shaky themselves on 3,4 and 7.

Too true. Plus , given that the population of the world has trebled from 2 billion to over 6 billion in the space of a lifetime ( eg someone who lived in mid / late 20th century ) , and given the effect of this ( climate change, earths resources etc ), and the cause of this ( big families, restriction of contraception etc )....the whole thing is very debatable, if not shaky as you say.
They've called the Genetic Manipulation one wrong. Just like they were wrong with Galileo and the Coperincan view of the solar system they'll be forced to drop this one as hereditary diseases are treated using gene therapy.
Drug trafficking and consumption

Why is drug consumption a sin in the eyes of God? Surely if I grow a spamspamspam plant in my back yard and roll it up and smoke it quietly and dont bother anyone Im not committing any sins??? Where is the sin in it?
Why is drug consumption a sin in the eyes of God? Surely if I grow a spamspamspam plant in my back yard and roll it up and smoke it quietly and dont bother anyone Im not committing any sins??? Where is the sin in it?

Your question assumes the Catholic Church is a credible organisation, and an authority on what is right and wrong!
Your question assumes the Catholic Church is a credible organisation, and an authority on what is right and wrong!

Good point! They do have a sense of right and wrong though - the systematic redeployment of abusing priests to other parishes when they re sins were uncovered shows they know what was wrong!

Is Deceit and Deception on that list somewhere?
Your question assumes the Catholic Church is a credible organisation, and an authority on what is right and wrong!

You are quite right of course.

On a slightly off topic note 2 little old ladies from the local parish called on Sunday to welcome us to the parish on behalf of the parish priest and offer us a little holy booklet. We said No Thank You explained we are atheists. They both looked shocked and then made reference to us being 'nothing', we explained that atheism does not imply we are 'nothing', simply that we do not buy into the same (or indeed any) spiritual beliefs that they do. They couldnt understand it. I think they think we are sinners now
If an experiment is a sin, surely its not morally debatable, and the debate is over?

Anyway, all of these new 'sins' are covered by the old ones. They've let themselves down badly here.

In the name of god can you define an Atheist. And would god's definition of an Atheist sound too egotistical?