getting revenue through online business



I have a wonderful online business idea which i believe will be successfull
basically the content of the website is more informative than selling i am sure that there will be good traffic to my website. now how could i get paid through this business. i believe banks and estate agents will be interested in advt in my website. what kind of money can i expect on this????
I'd guess you'd need to talk to an oline marketing/advertising company as they would have the best idea of the revenue on that.
Have you considered Google Adsense ? Basically thay act as "brokers" for advertisers and display ads on your site. If anyone clicks on an ad you get paid. Amounts paid can vary from 1c a click to €20 or €30 a click. The avg amount would depend on the type of content and how much advertisers are willing to pay. It is worth considering as a serious income source for any website.
First thing first, get your website up and running - it can take months for the search engines to index you so get it up asap.

After that, work hard on building your level of traffic (by whatever means possible). This process is easier said than done and very time-consuming.

Going through a similar process myself so I can probably be of some help to you - send me a PM if you want to have a chat..
apologies for digging this back up but is the a general guidline for what a site should make from banners, cpm, sponors etc based on traffic ie 20k hits pw = XXX. Is there a no. whereby you could approach a bank etc and say i have 50k unique hits p/m and then they would advertise? Or can anyone give an example where they can say they have x amount of unique hits p/m and they make x amount from advertising alone.

The approach I would like to take is put all the effort into getting traffic to the site and when the traffic is "good enough", advertising would sell itself (or with little effort)