You need to learn to budget. You must write down your monthly spending and list all your annual expenses so you can figure out how much you need monthly (I assume you are paid monthly). You then open a new current account and lodge your salary there, and you transfer the amount you need to pay all your bills into your account which has all the direct debits. You also decide on how much you can afford weekly to withdraw in cash for incidentals, lunch, bus, going out. You also need to figure out an amount to save, into an account that you won't touch.
I *hate* budgeting but the above works very well. You'll find similar setups called sinking funds around the net.
Once you get the above going, try save 500-1000Euro for an emergency/rainy day fund. It'll let you cover things like your car insurance/tax that are coming up in future until you've enough money in the sinking funds. No matter what anyone tells you, there is *always* going to be unexpected expenses no matter how well you plan. The better you've planned, the quicker you can forget about the expenses.
Next step is paying down the debt. Have a look at the Debt Snowball. is a good spreadsheet for setting yourself up. People will tell you to pay off the highest interest first, but debt is hugely physiologic. We aren't calculators. If we were, we wouldn't get into debt in the first place