General view of the four year plan?

Will anyone spend now?
I certainly wont, the budget is due on Dec 7th so who knows how the four year plan will manifest in that.
Carbon tax, a good way of saying that electricity/home heating oil ,petrol etc are going to be increased!
We have to hold onto what we have now,as the loss to us over the next four years is huge.
The government has managed to wipe out a lot of jobs ..again..
They've got pretty much everything wrong over the last number of years. This is no different. Many of the measures will be counter productive. I'm starting to think that they just don't realise that they have caused this, are making things worse, and that people only want them to go.

As a solidarity measure how did they not start with a cut in Ministerial/TD salaries, move to vouched expenses, car pooling, no top-up payments for committees, reduction in number of TDs and no Ministerial/TD pensions until 66/67/68.
I find it a challenge to get worked up about what was announced yesterday. This pessimism is based on something along the lines of this quote "No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy".

It is not possible to plan for 4 years. Especially for this Government and this Department of Finance.

What is in the Budget will influence the next 12 months. After that, and possibly before then, there'll be another plan and another set of targets.

The Department Secretaries General who have failed to develop their plans for implementing their obligations undeer the Croke Park Agreement are the same ones who now have to implement yesterday's announcement.

Why should things be different, for them, today ?
The government have been flying kites the last 2 years in areas like property tax and college fees. If they are planning on making chnages in these areas, it is better that they outline their plans so individuals can assess their own position.
Having said that, I agree with comments regards having faith in this government to get it right. I thought Lenihan came across as very arrogant yesterday when he said any alternatives to his 4 year plan would be nonsense. His track record on predictions that past 2 years have been dreadful.
The quqngos need to go & we need competition for the likes of Bus Eireann.

We also need to make better use of IT.

I would have more hope for the future than the maddness of the celtic tiger era.

Wastage of Public money needs to stop.