Hi SarencoHi Bomb Voyage
I am in full agreement with your analysis that the policy response to date on mortgage arrears and repossessions has undermined competition in the mortgage market and has lead to an inappropriately high cost of credit in Ireland.
it seems to me that the SVR campaign should be calling on Government for a change in its policy approach and should be making specific proposals in this regard. Simply complaining about high SVR mortgage rates without making any specific proposals is surely an empty gesture.
The free competitive market should function without Government interference in normal circumstances. However this SVR mortgage market is not normal as a result of the economic crash and the subsequent Government intervention - they injected money in the banks but did not finish the job -ie they allowed their banks to select the SVR mortgage holders and saddle this group with excessive payments to cover tracker losses.
The family home of a SVR mortgage holder is as important as any other family home and should have some stability other than being gouged by Government banks to make their books look better.
Also this is urgent - as each month passes Banks take more high payments from families and get away with it.
It is incredible to hear today that Labour party politicians are considering giving a grant to help cover the 20% First Time Buyer deposit without doing anything for the other people that are paying for 10 Years+ with the high SVR rate and still owe more that the house is worth.
Why don't they give our family one of these grants to take us to 80% LTV and maybe we can look for a better rate then? Apartheid for sure.
I an all for meetings etc but it really looks like organised protests are needed ASAP.
Sounds alot like banking in Ireland as it is!Be careful what you wish for.
The World Bank has carried out extensive research on the use of interest-rate caps as a consumer protection measure (which is still a popular policy in Africa). It has concluded that the effects of such measures include the withdrawal of credit from the poor or from specific segments of the market and an increase in the total cost of credit through the introduction of additional fees and commissions.
Interest rate caps are a measure of last resort to be introduced in the event that banks refuse to reduce their SVR. They are the stick the State can beat the banks with if necessary. And lets be clear, it is a stick that the State has at its disposal. Nothing in the EU Treaties should preclude the State from introducing interest rate caps provided they are applied equally to all banks operating in the State irrespective of nationality in particular.In any event, I strongly suspect that the introduction of interest-rate caps would breach EU competition and/or banking law.
I disagree. Competition is certainly one way to bring down the cost of credit but it is not the only way nor is it the most realistic option given present conditions. It is preferable that State intervention in the market is kept to a minimum which is why pressure should be applied to the banks to reduce their rates of their own volition. If they resist, it is my personal view that SRV mortgage holders have a just and legitimate claim to insist that the State intervene and legislate for their protection given current market conditions.In the medium term the only way to bring down the cost of credit is competition. The introduction of interest-rate caps would be a further distortion of competition.
Sounds alot like banking in Ireland as it is!
Interest rate caps are a measure of last resort to be introduced in the event that banks refuse to reduce their SVR. They are the stick the State can beat the banks with if necessary. And lets be clear, it is a stick that the State has at its disposal. Nothing in the EU Treaties should preclude the State from introducing interest rate caps provided they are applied equally to all banks operating in the State irrespective of nationality in particular.
I disagree. Competition is certainly one way to bring down the cost of credit but it is not the only way nor is it the most realistic option given present conditions. It is preferable that State intervention in the market is kept to a minimum which is why pressure should be applied to the banks to reduce their rates of their own volition. If they resist, it is my personal view that SRV mortgage holders have a just and legitimate claim to insist that the State intervene and legislate for their protection given current market conditions.
'Everybody' - really? Homeowners with trackers of properties in massive negative equity? The thousands of renters that are paying more in rent than SVRs are paying for their own asset? The hundreds of families with young children staying in emergency accommodation because the Government doesn't have the money to increase the rent supplement? The people on 10 year social housing waiting lists because the Government doesn't have the money to build social housing? The shareholders of PTSB and AIB? The citizens who believe that a viable banking sector is significantly more important? The citizens who want other retail banks to enter the Irish market to provide much needed competiton? The citizens who want the taxpayer to get the bailout money back and see the SVR campaign as a direct threat to that? The people on hospital waiting lists because the Gov doesn't have enough money?
The SVR campaign is just one of countless single issue campaigns that are screaming for attention.
But what about those of us in negative equity that can't meet any of their LTV rates??make ALL rates available to all customers once they meet the LTV of that rate.