Gemma O'Doherty Travel Ed @ Indo most heinous fashion crime: men's shortsleeved shirt

The offending article is here:

[broken link removed]

It centres on David Cameron's holiday wardrobe.

In fairness, he looks quite naff but I must admit I'm at a bit of a loss as to why SSS should be avoided in all circumstances, particularly when on holiday.

I'd agree that SSS in the office are naff, particularly when worn with ties. Equally, SSS with stiff(ish) collars are a bit formal looking.

On the other hand, I have a few Timberland SSS of various designs that (up to now :() I thought were pretty cool (in every sense). I'm also quite fond of polo shirts. But frankly I don't know how I'd get through my holidays if I was obliged to keep my legs covered as the writer seems to suggest.

Yours from privacy of the hotel balcony,
