It strikes me that this is just one of those topics that we will all, in time, wonder what on earth all the fuss was about.
In time if it is allowed people may well wonder why we were so stupid to allow this.
A lot of time and effort is spent constructing arguments to hold back 'the gays' from their rush to adopt us all. But in reality these seem to me to be poorly disguised (or perhaps unrealised?) attempts to retain some element of difference between gay people and everyone else.
But they are different, they will never reproduce with their partners.
That is set in stone nothing you say will ever change that.
It has been admitted by some of the misguided

D) who are fighting for gay rights to adopt that the ideal family unit is 1 man 1 woman so why on earth should this be allowed.
It's not that long ago that society saw fit to subject gay people to horrific discrimination. In time we have come to realise the injustice of this. Women, coloured people, disabled people and all sorts of other minorities have been similarly treated by society. Time and time again society has come to realise that discrimination of this kind serves society no good. The objections to 'gays adopting' is just another step along this path.
This whole thread was supposed to be about gay marriage but has since turned into a question about gay rights to adopt.
There is no injustice to gays not being allowed to adopt, they are not a family unit and can never be a family unit.
I have said before this is about the children and that is my only concern.
You don't have to go back centuries to reach a time when the mere mention of 'homosexual' probably struck fear into us all. As society has grown up, we have come to realise this was nothing other an irrational fear. In time, I believe this is also what will happen this debate about gays adopting.
Society will never grow up till we realise that we can't change the laws of nature
On the adoption issue, the core point here is that the family unit is about love. Attempts to restrict the family model to the "father, mother and kids" one are misguided at best, and at worst an attempt to disguise prejudices against the gays.
No offence but that is a load of nonsense.
In reality it is not an argument in favour of the family - it is an argument that only seems designed to exclude gays. The only restriction I think worthy to place on the family unit is that it must contain love. Not that it must exclude gay parents. Love is what it's all about, and this is reflected in the marriage ceremony of every religion known to man. Love is the most powerful force in society and gradually society is getting used to the idea that gay people are no different to anyone else in this respect. Gradually society will realise that the primary need for children who need adoptive parents is that it is a loving environment. Not one that excludes gays.
That is all very well but do gays have the right ethos (not sure of the right phrase).
We all know that men and women are not the same.
We are different.
This difference is what is needed in the upbringing of a child.
Children need the balance
For those who are still fearful of the gays, let's get things into perspective. The reality is that there are not that many gays in society (<10%?). Of those, I really would struggle to think that many of those would want to adopt. Of those that do, are they not then subject to the exact same rules as everyone else. Change is always a struggle, but it's difficult to conceive what could come out of this other than something beneficial for society as a whole.
There we stand.
I'm not fearful of gays and never have been.
Using your own words
are they not then subject to the exact same rules as everyone else.
this is the crux of the problem... what is more important the emotional development of children or the rights of gays to adopt.
For me it's easy...children