Gay Marraige For or Against

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Has anyone read Amanda Platell's essay on same sex couples adapting, in today's Mail On Sunday? What do you think of the article?
I imagine so. It was yesterday. Will have a look and post if there.
Has anyone read Amanda Platell's essay on same sex couples adapting, in today's Mail On Sunday? What do you think of the article?

Amanda Platell? Mail on Sunday? ESSAY? The same Amanda Platell who was sacked as editor of the Sunday Express for the gratuitous reporting of Peter Mandelson's sexuality? The same Amanda Platell who is snug with Richard Littlejohn, possibly the most right-wing homophobic and unbalanced journalist this side of the planet? Give us a break. If you want a balanced view, don't go to the Mail on Sunday. And most of all, don't go to Amanda Platell. We all deserve a bit better than that.

Just read the first sentence: she is whining about reactionary statements from, and I quote, 'militant gay propagandists'. Wow, I wonder what they do during the day. Probably dressed in black and have knives too I imagine. Even for Amanda that's a pretty reactionary description. But, worse is to come. To prove her gay credentials, she mentions that she has had friends that died from Aids. Proof if ever you needed she was on the side of the gays.....

God, I had forgotten how awful the Mail was. This is right up there with one of the worst pieces of journalism I've ever read. But perhaps I should read the Mail more often before I say that. Does it not go without saying that reactionary statements of the kind the dear Amanda refers to, much less this sort of risible article, are completely unhelpful to either side in a debate? Don't let them become the debate.
Amanda Platell? This is right up there with one of the worst pieces of journalism I've ever read.
Ok, so you don't have any love for Amanda, and this is standard Mail fare . . but many will agree with her contention that "in its rabid attempt to defend the rights of gay couples, it [British Association For Adoption And Fostering] overlooks the rights of adopted and fostered kids to be raised with a mother and a father."

Everyone will agree that the rights and best interests of the child are paramount and the vast majority will agree that, where possible, a child being adopted is entitled to an adoptive mother and an adoptive father, to fulfill the roles of a natural mother and father.

The simple realities, vex you as they may, are that a marriage is a union of a man and a woman - if this was a Mail article they'd probably say 'The Adam and Eve model not the Adam and Steve model ' - and this arrangement is afforded constitutional protection; in Ireland the number of married couples looking to adopt dwarfs the number of children available for adoption so there is no pragmatic necessity to widen the criteria for adoption.
I don't know much about the UK system but a quick look at the BAAF website suggests that 75% of children are placed for adoption within 12 months of a best interest decision. Also, it seems that heterosexual couples account for more than 90% of adoptions and the average age of an adopted child is 4. I'm not sure that tallies with your 'cute little healthy babies' observation.

I find your profiling of who adopts who interesting: so you're contention is that selfless and generous "non-traditional" parents are queuing up to adopt special needs/older/sibling groups etc whereas selfish hetero couples only want cute babies? is this your opinion or is there supporting data? If you're right about the selflessness, generosity and open mindedness, and given that there is no bar on Gay adoption in the UK, then surely there would be no children waiting to be adopted. If there is a shortfall in prospective adopters then the UK should consider curtailing intercountry adoption for a time.

BTW I would feel that anybody willing to adopt any child exhibits a wealth of selfness and generosity (even traditional couples).
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