Gangland Killings

I agree with a lot of what daltonr is saying, no offence to anyone but I think they should get tougher on the nicotine addicts too it would be doing them a favour too by making cigarettes illegal (wishful thinking I know).

We are supposedly born free as human beings. Why should a government tell us what we can or can't do to our own bodies in our own homes? A good government is one which interferes in personal lives as little as possible, yet in Ireland we have one who has interfered as much as possible for years. As long as what an individual does doesn't adversely affect other peoples rights then live and let live. If they do interfere with other peoples rights then that's a different matter. Of course this is taking things off the origional topic so I apologise for that. Just giving my own two cents worth.
Why should a government tell us what we can or can't do to our own bodies in our own homes?

It shouldn't. But if your actions put a strain on the Health Service then it has a right to try to get you to stop, or to make what you're doing illegal if it think's it's serious enough.

Smokers have it easy right now in terms of smoking in their home and smoking in their car etc. Personally if there were kids in the car (especially) or the home, I'd charge the parents with Child Abuse.

Let's not get into another Right to Smoke debate, we did all that when the smoking ban was the issue of the day. Suffice to say that smoking iterferes with other people far more than smokers generally accept.

The same would apply when considering legalising other drugs. You are not simply screwing with your own body or mind, you'r actions so have consequences for the people around you and for wider society, and the state has a right to try to control those consequences.

And yes, this logic in principle would extend to trying to control the kind of food people eat, or the amount of excercise they get. E.g. the New York moves on Trans Fats.

I know how you feel though. My vice is driving, I enjoy it. I really don't like the way it's taxed in Ireland, even though I accept that the government have a right to tax behaviour they see as undesirable.

I know how you feel though. My vice is driving, I enjoy it. I really don't like the way it's taxed in Ireland, even though I accept that the government have a right to tax behaviour they see as undesirable.


And I too understand your points. I think though that when a government decides to take responsibility for the actions of it's citizens you end up with a nation of irresponsible citizens.

People need to take responsibility for themselves as much as possible.
I think though that when a government decides to take responsibility for the actions of it's citizens you end up with a nation of irresponsible citizens.

Well that's an interesting point. There are certain things I won't do regardless of whether they are legal or not. E.g. I don't drink, so I certainly don't drink and drive. I don't do any illegal drugs, and I wouldn't if they were legalised.

I try not to speed even though I know my chances of getting caught in Ireland are low.

Then there are things that I do that are strictly speaking illegal, but because the state chooses not to police it at all I have no problem with it. The example I've used in the past is that I have no problem bring electronic goods, clothes etc that I've bought abroad into the country, even if I exceed my limits.

I guess my feeling is that if the state doesn't take a rule seriously then I don't either, and I rely on my own sense of right and wrong to guide my actions.

I recognise the contratiction in that, but there you have it.

Well posted daltonr.

We also have children to think of. Children need example and guidance from society (often, laws) in order to work out what is good or bad because they are not able to work it out for themselves.

You could argue that they would get an equally good example from adults making their own choices responsibly but that hasn't really happened with alcohol for instance.

Can you rely on people in general to behave responsibly?