FTC annual leave


Registered User

My wife works in a school on a FTC.

Mon-Fri every week.

When schools are closed at mid-term, summer holidays, etc, she goes on welfare until school reopens.

Today (Friday), she was told that school is closed on Tuesday (as well as bank holiday Monday).

She will be paid for bank holiday Monday but not the Tuesday.

This will be a forced annual leave day

What's grating her about this is that they gave her no notice of this until this afternoon.

So she had no opportunity to make any plans for the extra long weekend and that a days AL has been taken from her without any notice.

My question is, is this correct practice?

She's really miffed about it and I can't find any answers online.

I'd e surprised if students only found out about this today. If they have known it in advance I imagine it was generally known and your wife's responsibility to keep abreast of the opening days.
If it is an emergency situation then that might also justify the short notice (if it was short notice)
It's one day imo and not worth making an issue of, especially as it may be a result of not keeping up to date with the school calendar, which is a personal responsibility
Most schools publish a calendar in advance of the school year for staff, pupils, parents etc.

Did your wife's school do this and is Tuesday listed as a closed day?

She got a calendar which listed Tuesday as a work day.

They made a boo-boo but it's been sorted out.