You have been renting for seven years..would you not consider waiting another six months or a year to see how things pan out regarding house prices/ economy. We really are in economic ground breaking territory and most educated commentators will tell you that house prices have a long way to drop yet. I just don`t see the logic, in your situation anyway, to rush into moving just yet..I hope you think hard on this...best of luck anyway on your decision.we've been down 2 arklow few times and well its lovely place but i've always lived in dublin and have feeling the commute to my family would be very tiresome...saw lovely place in newtown mt kennedy but very overpriced so unless that comes down to realistic price we're back to tallaght!!..driving over today to have look at areas etc have list houses that I like..list includes..allenton ave,oldbawn park,tymon,
springfield,brookview drive,raheen....anyone know anything bout these places??..I'm looking at houses bit over my budget as well reckoning on getting them cheaper..