French artists selling door to door in Dublin

Was here outside of Waterford tonight. I thought I had heard a friend discussing how she was scammed into buying a painting she only kind of liked thinking she was supporting artists-- I liked a lot of the paintings and they had a great deal of detail but I had no cash (honestly, who keeps 90-120 euro on them in cash?) and I don't write out cheques.
It's a shame, they are good. I had a bit of a conversation with the guy, who said he was from Argentina, was studying in Isreal and in Ireland for 1 month. I mean, I'd like to believe that story because a lot of the conversation was after I said I didn't have any money. He wasn't really pushy so I don't really mind, but I'm glad I didn't buy any.
They are currently doing the rounds in Balrothery and Balbriggan. Two of them came to us, I am guessing the guy doing all the talking was a supervisor, training in the other one, as he was a very well spoken american (usually these 'artists' have or put on an accent of sorts, right?)

My husband, having told them out right that he had no intention of buying, looked through the work, at their insistence, for about 10 mins, I was listening in on the spiel as I was preparing dinner in the kitchen, and their selling technique just infuriated me, they are so manipulative in how they try and sell this stuff. If, as someone else mentioned, they sold it at face value, I wouldn't mind, but to say he was from an art collage in New York and got a free flight to come over and show the students art...

I couldn't resist, so went out and gave him my two cents worth and boy do they have an answer to everything! Finally with a smile on my face, I congratulated them on their hard neck to do what they are doing, but this was an unsolicited call and if they didn't leave I would call the guards, they smiled at this and left graciously!
Had a cute 'French' girl call the other day as i was trying to put my son to bed. I kinda had to be rude as she wouldn't take no for an answer. Having said that if I were single I may have bought one, I’m a sucker for cute Frenchettes. My partner has a great way of dealing with them, she simply say's that she is an artist.
Why on earth did you not simply say "no thanks" and close the door?!?

As I mentioned in my previous post, my husband answered the door.

Have you ever had one to your door? They are so very rude, I answered the door to them when I moved to my house a few years ago, not knowing anything about the set up I just said no thanks and went to close the door, but the 'artist' a girl stepped right up to the door and said 'you don't have to buy, I just want to show my work' to which I told her she was wasting her time as I am an artist my self. She proceeded to try and walk into the hall sarcastically saying 'oh can I see your work then'....
I immediately closed the door, and got such a shock...that is why I was so furious when I heard the spiel they were coming out with to my unsuspecting husband.

We don't, well, I don't have to deal with that sort of intimidation on an every day basis, so when it comes to your door, and
you don't know about them, it is good to know what you are dealing with, I think this post alerts people to them very well!
When I lived in Dublin about 3 years back we had 2 guys call within a day of each other. They said they were French artist and proceeded to show us the collection of works they had. I know a little about art and they are not paintings but prints on canvas, which initally looked like paintings also none were signed and if the guys who called really were the artist they were world class because the could masted many different styles.

Both guys said they were the artist but they had the same prints. Its a scam and maybe they are worth 1 or 2 euros each but thats it.
Didn't some of the great/famous artists over the ages sometimes have their minions churn out works which they then signed? In some cases (e.g. Picasso?) didn't they sign blank canvases in advance? Were they scammers too?
Its though that Salvador Dali was forced to sign blank canvases before his death and I'm sure this has been done before. Whether something is signed or not doesn't prove its not original but added to the other doubts and the very fact I think these are oleographs printed onto canvas being sold a originals swings it for me.
While traveling in India I met a group of Isrealis who openly admitted going to Ireland to sell this crap because the Irish "are suckers for it". They are rude and aggressive. Don't be afraid to slam the door in their faces.
Never purchase anything from a person that calls to your house or calls you on the phone!
Had a nice looking girl call to my door in Athlone a few days ago. If I hadn't known about this scam I would have invited her in, made her tea, put out a few biscuits, etc. Instead I just gave it the "sorry, not interested" and closed the door before she had a chance to reply.
A lovely young Israeli art student called to my door in the Lucan area tonight. This is their 3rd visit in the past 18 months. The best thing is that she showed me a painting by a FRENCH artist called Salvadore Dali. I pointed out her mistake but she was adamant about his nationality.

Classic - an art student who thinks Dali is French!
Ah come on - it's inoffensive, art is art, if you like it buy it. I've paid hundreds for paintings in galleries and i would still buy from door to door if I liked it
Ah come on - it's inoffensive, art is art, if you like it buy it. I've paid hundreds for paintings in galleries and i would still buy from door to door if I liked it

So if I buy a print you like for a fiver, you'd be happy to give me €100 for it if I delivered it to your door???
Ah come on - it's inoffensive, art is art, if you like it buy it. I've paid hundreds for paintings in galleries and i would still buy from door to door if I liked it

Surely you would not be pleased if you thought you were buying an original picture? If a gallery sold you an "original" painting and then you found it wasn't genuine would you not look for your money back? I think it's very offensive for someone to pass off something of their own when in fact it's one of many knock-offs. Read the quoted post below, just an example of what these "artists" are at, and see what you think then.

On Friday night last one of these French "Artists" called to our house and I was taken in by her scam - she was very believable and really came across as a genuine artist. She went through each painting and told us a little story about the artists - all friends of hers. She showed us where it would be best to position the paintings on our walls and tried to get us to buy 2 saying she thought the paintings were "talking to each other" ?? After going through all of the paintings she said (cute french accent) "you did not like any of my paintings ?" which of course had the desired effect of making my wife and I feel sorry for her and made our kids think we were cruel! She then showed which paintings were hers and of course we all agreed they were very nice.?!

In the end we liked one painting which was an abstract she said was called "Irish Weather". I was a little sceptical about whether they were truly originals but she assured me they were; she said I could pay by cheque and if not satisfied I could cancel the cheque. This is what we did.

Yesterday I was perusing AAM and came across this thread; I followed some of the links and searched under the name of the Artist of the "Irish Weather" painting we had bought. To our surprise prints and reproductions from this same artist were listed on Websites in California (for around $30 - I paid €150) and as far as I could tell he has been dead for years!! I am fairly sure "Irish Weather" was also on this site!!

I cancelled the cheque and intend to tell the "little french artist" to come and take the painting away if she contacts me!

Sorry for the long message...but thanks for posting this alert! Thanks to AAM I avoided being ripped off.
They are not really artist's,just people having to make ends meat's.Ask them to draw you something and if they do and it is good then you know they are genuine if they refuse then you know they are just seller's
no, I wouldn't pay 100 for a print, but I would for a paintings ( I probably would for the print too if I liked it )
I've had them calling to my door too. I'm in Virginia in Cavan. I was starting to think that there was an Art College nearby that I didn't know about. My next door neighbour bought something for about €150. I'm so glad I didn't buy anything. Though I think I've been lucky in that the ones I've dealt with haven't been that pushy. They do object when you say no but they get the message and leave when they see you mean business.

These stories about people crossing the threshold uninvited are quite scary. I'd go ballistic if I thought my wife had had to handle a situation like that and I wasn't there. As for response of the Gardai mentioned earlier, shame on them. That person should go to their local (even national?) media and relate their experiences.