H hizzy Registered User Messages 190 1 Jun 2009 #21 Oh god, Ritz, how I remember that, with a dash of blackcurrant.........the good aul days
C car Registered User Messages 1,397 2 Jun 2009 #22 theres a thead on boards.ie I was reading at the weekend, lads are reporting it running through them, ie, back door ejections coming very quickly after having no more then 2-3 bottles. not a cider man meself so will avoid but to bear in mind... http://boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2055573707
theres a thead on boards.ie I was reading at the weekend, lads are reporting it running through them, ie, back door ejections coming very quickly after having no more then 2-3 bottles. not a cider man meself so will avoid but to bear in mind... http://boards.ie/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=2055573707