Fractional ownership in a resort


Registered User
Hi all

I have noticed some resorts and golf course in Portugal/ Spain offering fractional ownership (eg. One or more specific calendar week). It makes sense and dvertised text is tempting but I am sure there is a small print attached which is not fully explained. Would appreciate if anyone can share their experience. Tried searching in forums but couldn't find existing threads.

The main problem as with any overseas investment, the costs of buying and selling are huge and eat into any profits.

If you like the golf resort and if you are going to get a lot of use for it, go for it. But treat it as an expense and not as an investment. If you happen to make a profit on it when you sell, fair enough.

And be very careful as this market is full of scammers.

On the whole, I reckon you would be better off renting a house for the week in whichever resort you want to holiday.

What are the yearly fees?Are they upfront and clear about the ongoing cost,and possible increases.
My parents bought one of these around 25 years ago. It’s a “timeshare”. I was too young to have a meaningful view at the time, but they regret it. I think they paid around £30k for it, hardly used it, and then flipped it for around £20k. It was more of a gateway for them to buying an actual property and they treated the loss as such.
If you gambled the money you're thinking in Leopardstown last week and lost you'd have lost less than you would have in the golf resort.
"Fractional Ownership" is to timeshare what "Equity Release" is to taking out a secured loan.

Try searching the forums for timeshare instead, you may get a few results :)
Thanks everyone. My impulsive itch to spend few thousands is gone after reading comments above and feedback about timeshare on Prof Google.