Formula 1 and Rugby World Cup



great to see both English parties involved bottle it in time honoured fashion at the very final hurdle - after a poor start that brightened up my weekend a bit!!
I hardly think that the performance of the rugby team could be described as bottling it. It was a bloody hard game from what I saw and the fact that all of the subs were used would suggest that the guys gave their all.

The hydraulic problem that cost Lewis Hamilton 30 seconds and relegated him to 18th place from which he battled back to seventh was probably more the cause of him not winning the championship than any lack of courage.
so when you grow up you start rooting for England do you - at what age did you make the switch??
What switch?
The Sun reading, Coronation street watching, English Premier League/ Scottish Premier League supporting knob ends who spout incoherent anti-English rubbish make me sick. The UK is our nearest neighbour and we have more in common with them than any other country on Earth so grow up. That doesn't make me any less Irish than the next man; it just means that I have thought about what it means to be a citizen of this republic rather than basing my national identity on what someone wrote on a wall when I was in primary school.
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oh yeah, I forget to give a big shout out to the English soccer team who this week bottled in taking their place in Euro 2008 - possibly saving us from their months of hype in the media

well I am a consider myself Irish not a "citizen of the republic" - and just for the record I dont read the Sun, watch "Corrie" or support an EPL team.

Just love to see the Brits get beat, as unfashionable as that may be on the east coast!!
well I am a consider myself Irish not a "citizen of the republic"
Who are you quoting there? I didn't say anything about being a "citizen of the republic", I said citizen of this republic, “this” being Ireland. Therefore I'm talking about the Republic of Ireland, i.e. this country. Do you follow?

- and just for the record I dont read the Sun, watch "Corrie" or support an EPL team.
Do you support a Scottish Premier League team, the one that doesn't know how to pronounce Celtic? Do you support that British team?
Do you read any UK news papers?
Do you watch any UK TV?

Just love to see the Brits get beat, as unfashionable as that may be on the east coast!!
It's quite fashionable amongst some people on both coasts and in the middle but others have grown out of that inferiority complex.
I don't support England or any other UK team but I don't cheer for anyone but them. Since they did so well for a team that had been completely written off in the Rugby world cup I admired them as sportsmen and wished them well. That doesn't make me any less Irish than anyone else, just more secure in my Irishness.

By the way, you wouldn't have to listen to them if you didn't consume so much of their media.
One thing that really bothered me about the Rugby WC final was them dragging a c. 3 (?) year old out to present the trophy when the poor child obviously did not want to be there and was petrified, bawling crying and shaking with nerves. To me this was a form of child abuse and yet I never heard anybody raise a peep about it. Despicable stuff in my opinion.
great to see both English parties involved bottle it in time honoured fashion at the very final hurdle - after a poor start that brightened up my weekend a bit!!
Who are we to mock the English?! - We have incompetence written all over us. The Irish rugby team could have gone a lot further imo. Let's not bother with the Irish Soccer (team(?))

I had similar thoughts
If I told you I supported Derry City would that mean that I supported a British team in your eyes Purple!?!?As for inferiority complex - I find that a very poor argument - I love to see all smug t@*£s put in there place - the flavour is just nicer when its pompous English ones!!!

I have to agree with you on that one - to be fairto that guy he did look awkward about doing it himself but seemed to just keep bringing the kid with him because that's what was in the choreographed plan
I wouldn't blame the guy who was sent out with the two kids but rather the organisers for not dealing with the problem when it arose. Hopefully the child will be OK after that episode but it was a terrible thing to witness.
If I told you I supported Derry City would that mean that I supported a British team in your eyes Purple!?!?
No - obviously they're not British. They're a UK team playing in the eircom League of Ireland. A bit like Cardiff being a Welsh team playing in the English Football League. Or Toronto FC being a Canadian team playing in the US MLS.

I think people take this supporting England thing too seriously. Why on earth should we support England, or any other country for that matter? England sure as hell don't support France, even though they are geographically far nearer than we are to England. France don't support Belgium. Last time I looked, Australia don't exactly cheer for New Zealand in any sport. It's healthy rivalry and schadenfraude (sp?), nothing more - or following Purple's argument should Arsenal fans cheer Chelsea if they make it to the Champions League final against say Real Madrid just because they're from the same city? Wallowing in another team's sporting misfortune is part of enjoying sport, as much as your own team winning - sport is after all primarily about rivalry.

There seems to have developed a certain orthodoxy in Ireland in recent years that if you don't support every England team as soon as Ireland is not a factor in any tournament / sporting event, that you're some kind of unreconstructed bigot. I reject that utterly - even if you don't agree with what I say above, many Irish people don't support English teams/athletes because of the nauseating jingoism of their sporting media.
There is a big difference between not supporting England, and actively rejoicing when they lose. Saying that the England rugby team and Hamilton "bottled it" shows a lack of knowledge ot the sports involved. The rugby was a hard fought match, which SA were expected to win. England were probably more competitive in that match than anticipated.
I only wish the Irish team could have "bottled it" in the same fashion as England at the RWC. England exceeded expectations as this world cup so fair play to them, Ireland on the other hand...

Actually Murray walker himself said that Lucy Hamilton bottled it - and it was obvious that their soccer team bottled it - both brought an immense amount of joy to my day.