FOKO - 12 weeks for flatpack bed and you pay 100% up front!!

Foko - Same here ...

I've had similar experiences with FOKO Blanch. It took them nearly 5 months to deliver out unit last summer, we were told 10 weeks initialy. Their phone keeps ringing and nobody seems to answer it , at some point I thought they's closed down or run away or something ...
Anyway, after the 5 months wait and over 12 phone calls and multiple visits to the store , we got the unit , I started to put it together and guess what .. half of the screws were missing :-( because they were special screws and needed ordering again I had to wait another 4 weeks . the lady who called me to ask me to come over to collect them told me that she will leave them with one of her colleagues for me to collect, because as she put it "thank god I am leaving today , I've got another job somewhere else.."

I'd paid 1500 euro for the damn thing !!

Never go near FOKO , that would be my advice to everyone
I've snitched

I've e-mailed this the URL for this thread to FOKO. Wonder if they'll reply.
Sit In

We should all have a sit in in the shop. Email this thread to everyone you know, tell them to send it on. Organise a sit in in their blancherdstown shop for one day at the weekend, when they are busy. That will make them cop on. I have been trying to get my futniture off them for a long time, and I have been given the following names. Robert Jeff and Emma, but none of them will talk to me. I have only talked with floor staff: Loraine, Emer, John, Kieran, And Aidean. They all tell me they will talk to Emma but she never rings me back. A sit in is the only way to sort this out.
Re: FOKO - 12 weeks for flatpack bed and you pay 100% up fro


This previous thread might help or contact [broken link removed]
Sit In


I'll be sitting beside you. These people are a disgrace.


It could be my fault that they became aware of the content of this thread as I threatened them with posting details of my experience with them on AAM. If I've caused you any undue hassle I apologise.

This is a copy of a letter I faxed, emailed and hand delivered to Foko last tuesday - I've removed my own personal details to protect the stupid (i.e. me for attempting to buy from Foko). Obviously I've received no reply.

The Managing Director,
Foko Limited,
65/66 South Great Georges Street,
Dublin 2.
8th June 2004

Order Number xxxx

Dear sir/madam,

On the 6th February 2004 I went into your shop in the Blanchardstown centre to buy a desk for my home/office. An assistant named Olivia looked after me in a courteous and professional manner, and while I was there I ordered a Fiona Desk and a low wide square 2 x 4 in the same wood. Olivia told me they would be delivered in 6 – 8 weeks (she wrote 10 weeks on the invoice) and that I would have to pay for them in full because there was 20% off. I paid for the goods €384, and took my invoice.

In the first week in April I contacted your office (8850620) and spoke to a Niamh, who told me the goods weren’t due in for another fortnight. In mid April I called again and was told that the goods were in stock and that somebody would call to arrange delivery. After three further calls over the next three days delivery was arranged for the goods on Friday, 16th April 2004 after 6 pm. Nobody arrived with my goods.

During the next fortnight myself and my wife tried repeatedly to contact your office (8850620). On the 24th April we called into the shop in Blanchardstown, and the sales assistant (young red haired male) took our details with a view to ensuring somebody would contact us early the following week. On Monday 3rd May I telephoned your shop with a view to cancelling my order as we had still not gotten through to your office (8850620), and was told to hold on while the assistant contacted your office. She came back to me and explained that the desk was in stock and the 4x2 hadn’t arrived from the suppliers, but that it was due to arrive from the suppliers on the 17th May. She asked did I want part delivery of the goods or did I want to continue to cancel the order. I told her that I had felt messed around by Foko but that I would carry on with the deal as I liked the furniture that I had ordered. Within a day Niamh from your office contacted me to arrange delivery.

The desk arrived the following Saturday morning in two boxes. The driver carried in the first box, the second box required both the driver and his assistant. I requested that they carry the boxes upstairs to my office, which they refused on the grounds of “insurance”.

May I break up my story by stating that the desk is a lovely desk. I really like it and in fact I really like most of the stock that you carry.

On the 17th May I contacted your office and was told that the crate had arrived from the supplier but would take two or three days to sort out and check. I rang again on the 20th and again on the 21st, and was then told it hadn’t arrived in that consignment but would be arriving the following week. I called again on the 27th and 28th. I called again on the 1st June and was told that the goods were in stock. I was offered two delivery times of Friday morning or Saturday morning between 9am and 1pm. I chose the Friday, waited in all morning, tried to call at 2pm, succeeded in calling at 5.15pm and was told that nobody was able to answer my query until 9am on Tuesday morning. Fair enough, it’s a bank holiday weekend.

I called at 9.15 and Niamh answered, heard my complaint and told me she’d call me back soon. At 11.00am I called again, spoke to Niamh, she told me that my 2x4 hadn’t arrived, wouldn’t be arriving for another month, did I want to cancel my order or did I want some compensation for my trouble. I asked what she meant by compensation and was told that the store manager would contact me tomorrow morning, but that she would put the cancel procedures into place and that that would take another seven days. I asked for the owner of Foko’s name, which she refused to give out. I asked for the Managing Directors name, which she told me was the same as the owners and that she was not allowed to reveal. I asked for her boss’s name, and she also refused to reveal this to me.

The treatment I have received from Foko has been a complete disgrace. I’d like to assume that it’s a one off, but even if it was it’s not good enough. I’ve been ignored, lied to and let down. I’m going to post, fax and email this letter in the hope that the Managing Director actually sees it. I presume that he/she will be embarrassed by the treatment that I have received.

As things stand I’m owed €148 which has been in your possession for over 4 months. I’ve wasted more time trying to get satisfaction from your company than I could have ever possibly imagined. If I fail to hear from you or a senior member of your staff within the next seven days I’ll be copying this letter to the consumers association and the national newspapers and If I haven’t received my refund within fourteen days I be filing a claim with the small claims court.

My contact details are as follows
Mobile Number –
Home Number -
Email –

Yours faithfully,
Sit in

Wow - I was going to buy some chairs from them but being a man of principle I m with you . I wont. Good on you. The only way is to complain. Why wouldnt shop assistnat give MD's name ?
David Cullen T/A The Paramount Hotel - V - Foko Limited

It looks like your not the only one in dispute with FOKO Limited

[broken link removed]

Judge's Motions
Before Judge Doyle
On Monday, 24 May, 2004 At 10.00 am
Court 26, Chancery Place, Four Courts,
Dublin 7

22 2004/02118 David Cullen T/A The Paramount Hotel - V - Foko Limited

Re: David Cullen T/A The Paramount Hotel - V - Foko Limited

Though all the above buyers have my sympathies I must say in fairness to FOKO, many other Irish furniture resellers seem to have inventory issues

I enquired a year or so ago about a Ligne Rosset table in Arnotts and was told there would be a 16 week delay... that the French were on summer holidays and neither heaven nor earth could improve on that schedule! I laughed

The same story with other shops i'd have to pay a deposit and wait and wait... varying numbers of weeks... so I kept shopping around until I found in-stock furniture

it's the only way...

I've even bought retro stuff from Nottingham, UK and had it flown in all within 24hours of cheque clearing - because that store (a web store) had it in stock ...

TK Maxx and Marks and Spencer are planning to do limited ranges of furniture so hopefully that might shake the other retailers up a bit too

But like everyone else - I crave IKEA (amoung others)
Re: David Cullen T/A The Paramount Hotel - V - Foko Limited


I presume all we know is that there is a case taken by these guys against Foko? We don't know the nature of it from the web, do we?


There's a crowd called RDI on the main street in Rathcoole who sell the same stuff as FOKO. (They advertise in the property section of the Irsh Times).

They operate the same way in that you pay up front, but in my experience with them they deliver when they say they will - no problem. I've used them a couple of times. On one occasion, they supplied the wrong doors for a cabinet but the matter was resolved quickly when I pointed it out.
Re: Marks and Spencer Furniture

"Marks and Spencer are planning to do limited ranges of furniture so hopefully that might shake the other retailers up a bit too"

Actually they started doing furniture again in Ireland some time ago see here for details [broken link removed]

Hi folks

Similar experience with FOKO as above. ordered sideboard in January only arrived last week after continuous phone calls to them.

Anyway furniture arrived and turned out it was a self assembled flat pack - not what I expected for paying over €300. To top it all the instructions were incomplete, i.e. pages 1 2 4 and 5 but no page 3. After 4 hours I finally managed to get the thing together.

What is it with furniture companies? Have used European Living and had a nightmare experience with them and now FOKO. The only place we have had good experience with were Brown Thomas and Arnotts, both charge a premium but at least you get what you ordered and when they say you will get it.


Titled corrected by sueellen
Re: FOKO - 12 weeks for flatpack bed and you pay 100% up fro

I have tried to get up to date financial information about FOKO ltd but their Companies Office REturnds are very late.The last accounts on file are for the year ending 30/4/2002, which makes it very difficult to assess the financial status of the company.

Could anyone who is owed money by them please make a complaint to the Office of the Director of Corporate Enforcement. This will encourage them to get their returns and accounts in on time. The complaint form can be [broken link removed] but it must be signed, so it has to be submitted in the post.

Here is the information you will need
Company number 223795
65 Georges Street
Date annual return due by 31/1/2004

FOKO Contracts Ltd
Date annual return by 31/1/2004

Can you email me at or post here after you have submitted your complaint.


Just an update for everybody fourteen days after I sent the above letter.

On 15th June, 7 days after I sent the letter I had had no reply from Foko. I called them looking for my money, was told nobody could take my call at that moment and that somebody from accounts would call me later that day (I openly laughed). I called into their store in Blanchardstown, asked for the manager (Jeff was his name), showed him my letter, looked for my refund in cash, wasn't given it. I was told that my refund would be out in 6 or 7 days. Now Jeff has obviously worked for Foko for a while because there was as much chance of getting blood from a stone as getting an apology for his stores conduct from him. Whilst I was waiting for the manager to see me another angry customer asked to see the manager. A variation on the same theme.

On Friday 18th June I had my first genuinely positive experience with Foko. A lady called Aoife rang me up to discuss my situation. She apologised profusely for the situation I found myself in, she explained that Foko had been having difficulty with suppliers in recent times, she stated that the information I had been given on my order had been very bad and that she would conduct an internal review to ensure that customers would not be treated in the future as I had been treated. She told me that the cheque for my refund was made out and would be signed the following monday. She also told me that my shelving unit was still on order and would be arriving on the 3rd July if I wanted to continue with the order. I told her I was very sceptical about that, I mentioned the AAM website and suggested that she look at this thread. She then offered me a €100 gift voucher. I accepted her deal, told her that if I was let down again I'd be taking Foko to court. The phone call lasted 10 - 15 minutes and during that time the representative for Foko was extremely impressive.

Yesterday (28th June) I received a cheque from Foko for €148.

These people don't know what they are doing. They shouldn't be allowed take money from the unsuspecting public.

Angry above suggested a protest outside their store in Blanchardstown. I think a large number of people should show up at 1pm in westend retail park, protest for an hour or two, warn ordinary punters not to do business with them. If anybody is interested in this, please reply to this thread.



typos edited
Re: Update

Maybe rattle off a few copies of your letter and go around sticking them on windscreens in the car park, around the shop, etc.
Re: Update

Angry above suggested a protest outside their store in Blanchardstown. I think a large number of people should show up at 1pm in westend retail park, protest for an hour or two, warn ordinary punters not to do business with them. If anybody is interested in this, please reply to this thread

I would certainly join in any such protest.

Things could be looking up...

I just rang yesterday, and the desk I ordered 12 and half weeks ago is ready for collection. But the girl said that they're not doing collections at the moment so they're doing free delivery. I should be getting it delivered on saturday morning, fingers crossed.

P.S. I forgot the girl's name, but ring up and find out.
Is Georges St still open?

The last few weekends I've walked past and the store has been closed at 5pm

Sale signs have been there stating "This weekend only" for the last 3 weeks!
FOKO - closing up shop in Blanch

We got a letter today thanking us for our business and telling us not to worry because the company is closing the shop in the Blanch retail park.

Of course this means no degradation in service to me, their valued customer and the 16 weeks we have been waiting to date will continue to grow......

If I have any questions such as why my stuff has not arrived I can now call a whole new bunch of people who will probably care even less than the Blanch crew.

Does anybody know where I legally stand in this situation: we paid for the stuff almost four months ago and have been repeatedly told that "it is coming next week". Can we demand a refund? If the commpany does go down the toilet are we covered by the credit card company or will they say we were silly to pay everything up front? I'll be ringing the credit card people tomorrow to see what they say and maybe the office of consumer affairs as my patience has worn out at this stage.