First Active e-savings account

Thanks for this. Was wondering about any sort code issues - they have obviously sorted this out! Looks like eSavings will be a useful alternative to Rabo then (especially if Rabo don't extend their 5% rate beyond Christmas).

I do agree. Since I have it (apart from the initial difficulties in having the internet banking access+problems with the sort code) I really like this account.
has anybody successfully transferred money from a halifax account to a FA esaver account yet?

Apparently there is an IT issue with the sort code - you get a message when you try to transfer online saying that the sort code is invalid.

I emailed them:
I have reported a problem with a First Active Sort Code a week ago to your help desk and although I am ringing them every day, nobody is ever able to tell me when the problem will be resolved. I am trying to do an online transfer and I a message telling me that the sort code is invalid
Can you help???
The sort code is 98-88-16
I spoke to First Active and they say that they notified all banks of the new sort code on the 12th of August 2007. This was nearly two months ago.
They said:

In order to investigate your complaint I would appreciate if you could forward me your full name, address and account number at your earliest convenience.
Your concerns will be dealt with as quickly as possible and I will be in contact with you as soon as I have an answer on this. However if you do need to speak with me in the meantime, you can contact me on REMOVED BY MODERATOR.
[SIZE=+0]Yours sincerely,[/SIZE]

When I asked to have an honest straight answer on how long it will take for their IT dept to sort this out, she said that the last time they had a similar issue is was a couple of weeks.

Give her a call - the more that ring, the quicker they will sort it!​

Halifax employee direct contact details removed by moderator -- please don't post individual contact details. They are not the public face of the organisation.
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Has anyone opened an account with FA recently? Just wondering are all the problems that were occuring when the account was first publicised still occuring. I applied online today in order to find a home for my Rabo savings if (when?) they cut their interest rate in December. Just wondering does it still take an age for a non FA account holder to open an account.
Yes, but I gave up trying to open it by post. See my note in the Best Buys.

If you are not an existing customer, there may be a long delay while FA process your application. A reliable way to open an e-Savings account is 1) Visit an FA branch and open a different savings account (e.g. their Regular Saver account), 2) Register for online banking, 3) Wait a few days for the access code, 4) Login and apply for the e-Savings account from within online banking, 5) Login a few days later and the new account should be there.
Hi Jethro,

although FA has got v. good interest rates the opening of the esavings is v. bumpy in my opinion because it's done via central HQ... So be ready for lots of patience needed!

But for ECB linked and reg. savers the life is different because it's dealt with the lovely efficient subsidiary!

I hope this helps...

P.S.: I promise I'm not an RBS shareholder... It's just my opinion :)
Since the start of September I've made 6 lodgements to my FA account. All of them were one-offs.

3 From UB
2 from AIB
1 from another FA account.

Half of these were test payments of a few euro.

Hi I just tried to transfer money from my AIB a/c. I have a code card already but I couldn't go any further without ordering a new do i transfer ???? Stupid question maybe
Hi I just tried to transfer money from my AIB a/c. I have a code card already but I couldn't go any further without ordering a new do i transfer ???? Stupid question maybe

I did it the way it sounds like you attempted to.

Transfer Money--->Add Account (stage requires code card)

Then when that's done

Transfer Money--->Select To/From Accounts & Input amount in cents--->Send Funds
Thanks GeneralZod,

It didnt show the add account screen yesterday, my code card must have been out of date, and I was requested to order another one...thanks again
A FA adviser told me the rate syands until 2009 & will be adjusted then!
Not sure if this has already been raised already :eek: but why do FA statements on these accounts just quote a single interest payment figure and not the gross and net (of DIRT) figures?
I suspect it's an inadequacy in their RBS group systems. My UB eSavings account has the same issue.
Has anyone opened an account with FA recently?

Yes, I opened an account last month.

Just wondering are all the problems that were occuring when the account was first publicised still occuring.

No, it took about four days. Then registered for the online banking, took about another four days. I opened an Ulster Bank account simultaenously; the whole procedure and times were identical.

Just wondering does it still take an age for a non FA account holder to open an account.

Nope, I'm non FA as well.

Only last week did I realise about the reduced interest rate with FA balances over €15k so tried to withdraw the some funds. This is currently unavailable online and telephone banking is required.
...This is currently unavailable online and telephone banking is required.

Telephoned today, set it up, some funds are being withdrawn.

Overall answer, there are no delays (now) with the First Active e-savings account.
Hi, i know i can contact first active about this but if someone here knows the answer to my question off the top of their head, that'd be great.

Have a first active e-savings account, deposited €10k in early September. At the end of Sep, i was paid interest of €7.33. At the end of Oct, i was paid interest of €36.95. However, at the end of Nov, i was only paid interest of €33.72.

Why did the interest paid go down in November? I would have expected it to go up as the cash has been on deposit for longer?
I set up a FA regular saver - monthly direct debit came out of my current account yesterday - still no sign of it in my FA account.
Okay after setting up a FA Regular Savings, applied for the eSavings via online banking:
Went smoothly enough as it picked up my existing details as an existing FA customer though was wondering if the following points could be cleared up(partly in due because they used some kind of generic form?):
-At the end of the online application I received an account number and sort code, though beforehand the application enforced an initial opening deposit... only option was "cash/cheque" though I thought you could take it from an existing FA account? Needless to say I didn't get any more details on how to make the initial deposit apart from agreeing to cash/cheque(don't allow you to say no)... no further action on this so without an actual deposit taken, is the account really opened.. having received account no.. etc?
-For you people who have gone through this, how long does it normally take for the eSavings account to appear with your other accounts in online banking?
Wow guys,

food for thought: if I look quickly in this part of the forum in 2007 the posts with more replies were:
Northern Rock bailed out by Bank of England 880
Eddie Hobbs new Brendan Investments vehicle 501
First Active e-savings account 378

Apart from the 1st (traumatic) event which is of course 1st in the ranking and the fact that Eddie Hobbs is more and more a salesman rather than an independent advisor (2nd) the fact that FA has got a shocking customer service with their e-savings account gives lots to think about...

I mean, I'm happy to have my esavings account with them but I still remember when they kept rerouting me between different free-phone nos when I was setting up my account... Shocking...:confused: