First Active e-savings account

IrlJidel states above that EFTs from Rabo & BOI to the FA eSavings A/C work

Haven't tried it myself
Has anyone had any experience of operating this account, and lodgeing one-off or occasional funds from non-FA banks?

Since the start of September I've made 6 lodgements to my FA account. All of them were one-offs.

3 From UB
2 from AIB
1 from another FA account.

Half of these were test payments of a few euro.
has anybody successfully transferred money from a halifax account to a FA esaver account yet?
Since the start of September I've made 6 lodgements to my FA account. All of them were one-offs.

3 From UB
2 from AIB
1 from another FA account.

Half of these were test payments of a few euro.

Thanx for that General and other ranks..

It seems that lodgements are possible, as per the FA website, despite the T&C's ruling this out!!

I suppose it is just a shot in the dark with FA, as they seem not to have worked out how to communicate this product to the general public.

I will however give it a go, as the return on amounts <€15K is pretty good.

My banks would be Rabo and Halifax.
There is an advert for this account in the Irish times today. Clearly states that the lower rate applied to entire balance if over €15k. Does this mean they're finally gonna get their act together re account opening etc?
All the questions that have exercised people seem to be answered by First Active now: [broken link removed]

Since I can't see it anywhere, I'm wondering for how long does F.A. guarantee the rate of 5.22%? Also, is there any reason to believe that F.A. is a "safer" bank than N.R.?

I'd also be interested to know if any banks other than A.I.B. have any restriction on the amount that can be transferred. That Q never occurred to me until I discovered last week that A.I.B. restricts electronic transfers to €5,000 daily and none on Sunday. If N.R. had had that policy, it would have taken quite a while to remove one's savings electronically. Northern Rock's misfortune has been an education.

BOI restrict to 20k daily
Permanent TSB restricts electronic transfers to €3,000 daily.
In case it's of any interest to anybody with PTSB you can actually do €6K per day - €3K by Open24 online banking and another €3K by telephone banking. Strange (at least to me when I found out) but true.
In case it's of any interest to anybody with PTSB you can actually do €6K per day - €3K by Open24 online banking and another €3K by telephone banking. Strange (at least to me when I found out) but true.

Nice one. I remember lodging my SSIA into northern rock, took forever!!

just to report back....transfers now possible from ebs online to esavings account. Problems with sort code rectified.
I presume that there is no limit on the amount that you can transfer if you execute the transaction in a PTSB branch office?

No idea tbh. Should've just send them a cheque but no point saying that now!

Btw eventhough the limit I can transfer by online banking is €3k how much can I move in one go using Rabo money mover? Will it still be €3k or more since I'm not using their online electronic transfer system
Isn't Rabo Money Mover basically a direct debit in which case whatever (if any) limit normally applies to DDs would apply here?
I set up a Rabo Money Mover yesterday as a test. It seems to offer a regular transfer like a Direct Debit or a once off transfer. Downside is that it seems to take 7 days.
I have received the eSavings forms.

I am planning to transfer in funds from an AIB online account - I'm assuming from what I've read here that this will go through OK? Can I transfer from the First Active savings back to AIB? Are there any charges for this?

I do not plan to pay in monthly (just a small initial deposit - and then via AIB).


Hi matrix1, re transfers from AIB you need to look at the previous posts because I'm a PTSB customer. Re "Can I transfer from the First Active savings back to AIB?" -> Yes, you can do like me: I called the FA help-desk and got a "payee" account created for my on-line profile. Re "Are there any charges for this?" as far as I know none.

Thanks for this. Was wondering about any sort code issues - they have obviously sorted this out! Looks like eSavings will be a useful alternative to Rabo then (especially if Rabo don't extend their 5% rate beyond Christmas).