First Active e-savings account

Hi lads,

I have sent 2000E in over 4 weeks now,
will they backdate interest for this time ,...untill the account is opened?

Hi, I got my welcome letter with account number + 1st statement but no sign of PIN yet...

Finally got the letter with my account number today (letter was dated 10th August).

Has anyone got their "card and PIN" yet?

Got my PIN about 10 days after I received my 1st statement. Didn't get a card though, I don't think you get one with this type of A/C?
Hi guys, big news of not anyone knows it.

After getting the welcome letter with the sort-code+account no. we do not receive the PIN automatically. We need to apply for "internet backing" from the FA web-site. So I just did it (also printed the confirmation page) and got a customer no. Now I'm waiting for the access code to be sent via mail.
simple question because i'm too lazy to go back through the posts and/or look at terms and conditions.

What is the notice period for withdrawals from this account?


The letter I got says

Your card and PIN (if applicable) will arrive in the next few days

In my naïveté I took this to mean I didn't have to do anything.

Think I'll try to kick start the process on-line like you did. It gave me a customer number and said it would send me out an activation code.

What is the "card" they mention?
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There is no card with the esavings account, that only refers to any of the instant access accounts that can be operated by atm card. My money is in my account since 1st August, waiting to see my interest added on on 1st September!
Ah right. I wasn't thinking ATM card. I was imagining something more exotic like AIBs one-time code card or RaboDirect's electronic widget.
Ah right. I wasn't thinking ATM card. I was imagining something more exotic like AIBs one-time code card or RaboDirect's electronic widget.

I talked to the FA callcenter yesterday and they told me that the letter with the sort code and account no. is the standard one for every account and they told me that neither card nor PIN (connected to the card) are applicable.

...Confusing I agree... But at least now we know what the next step is...
So how/where do you log into your online account and how can you do this without some sort of login credentials?
So how/where do you log into your online account and how can you do this without some sort of login credentials?

When you go through the web registration for on-line access it gives you a customer number. This is also your login id. It is composed of your date of birth followed by a sequence number DDMMYYNNNN. That's the same as Ulster Bank, who as was previously mentioned in this thread they share the eBanking system with. The printed statements look the same too. I got my first statement yesterday.

When doing the on-line registration you give the account number of your first active account as well as other ID information.

The on-line registration says they'll send out an activation code. I don't know how many steps from the end of the registration process that is. To log into Ulster Bank e-banking you also need a password and a PIN so somehow those will have to be assigned or chosen if it's identical with FA.

Once you get your activation code, you go online, enter the customer number they provided you when you first registered (Don't lose this!!!) and tick the box for Customers With A New Activation Code as seen here [broken link removed]

From here on you get to choose your own PIN No & Password.

Looks like they will only accept transfers in from FA accounts, but you can set up accounts to pay to (e.g. bills, credit cards).

I was able to set up my Credit Card, but I tried to register my non FA current A/C and got the following message:

"This service is currently unavailable. If you wish to continue with this transaction please use First Active to contact our Customer Service Advisors who will be happy to help you." :mad:
well I cancelled my application the other day only to come home today to find a letter saying the needed my ID from section A. Even though when I first applied they acknowledged all was in order as I provided ID from section A which they attached in this new letter today? So I rang to say I'd already cancelled it so he told me to ignore it that if they don't hear from me in 30 days they'll cancel it then! Its the poor system and customer service like this that made me decide to cancel.

What was more disappointing in my opinion was the fact that once you get the letter with the account no.+sort code nobody informs you that you need to log into "FA" website to proceed with the online banking registration...

But I still hope that the internet banking of "FA" is good as Rabo. In that case my patience will be awarded as I honestly find the internet banking of "NR" quite disappointing...
Hi lads,

I have sent 2000E in over 4 weeks now,
will they backdate interest for this time ,...untill the account is opened?


Earlier someone also reported sending in a cheque for the full €15k.

Can the OPs report on whether FA are backdating the interest after being contacted about their tardiness?
Tried to apply online for the eSavings account. I could not get past the first screen. However, try this: when presented with the screen that asks if you are an existing customer, left click your mouse over the blue title bar at the top of the box and then "shake" the mouse about, the result is brilliant! Or else it's my computer!

Success for existing customer.

Logged on to the FA website today and new account was up and running online with the legend- "27th Aug NEW ACCOUNT THANK YOU" (only one account they lodged both cheques to joint account which was what we had intended!). Only about two weeks from start to finish. Reasonable enough timescale, in fairness, for existing customers if you can put up with the quirkeyness. Haven't nominated any account but I suspect I can transfer from ECB Account at will. From experience, while FA have bank sort codes and standard account numbers these are not fully integrated with standard Irish banking system. It's not possible for instance for FA to transfer a withdrawl from one of their accounts electronically to an AIB account (or even Ulster) I was told in the Grafton Street Branch.
I think it may just be your computer - nothing untoward happens on mine using IE7 or Firefox v2.0.0.6. You probably should scan your PC for malware!
Got my activation code back today and made it through the choose a PIN/Password stage. It looks like the final hurdle is to ring them up to get a payee set-up for withdrawals to another bank (this is same process as with UB) and attempt an electronic transfer into the eSavings account from my UB current account.

All this not withstanding the posts above indicated this these two steps aren't possible.