First Active e-savings account

Just to muddy the waters a bit more (as if it needs it at this stage), in the T&C booklet they posted out to me, it states that you must use their Online Banking Service to operate the account. No problem with that, but

Section 13 of the Online Banking T&C states:
"We reserve the right to charge you and you agree to pay the charges for the Service or any part of it."

Just on to First Active and they confirm that there are NO charges on this account.
I have it in an email from them that no charges apply but at this stage I don't really trust anything that they say.
Have all my forms here for posting but am beginning to think that my 10k would probably be better off staying where it is and earning its 3% in local CU (maybe not financially but certainly for ease of operating the account and also a long-standing confidence in the local CU operating procedures). Have never dealt with First Active before but they certainly are not instilling great confidence in me re their products and services. Might hold out and see if any of the other institutions raise their lump sum deposit rates.
There are planty of other more straightforward options available than First Active where the returns are greater than 3%. If you are willing to take a 2% 'haircut' to leave your money in the CU, it's an expensive premium to pay for 'confidence' IMHO.
I agree. If you don't have a RaboDirect account already then you could easily open one and get 5% gross CAR on the €10K and unlike FA they at least seem to have their act together. Also - depending on the type of CU account - the [broken link removed] may be less or more favourable than DIRT at source of 20%. And, unlike many other financial institutions, CUs usually only tell you at the end of the year what they are paying out.
Just got this from First Active, or Ulster Bank actually, it seems.

Can someone interpret the para in bold italics, mine.

i think I'm goin to give up on this, just because I can't get clarity on the items I have asked about.


Apologies for the delay in getting back to you

In answer to your questions:

1/. There are no maintenance fees applied to the eSavings account.

2/. Interest rates are applied as follows: 5.22% for balances of
EUR15000 and under, 4.07% for balances of EUR15001 - EUR1,000,000

In each occassion the rates apply to the whole balance on the
account, as now stated on our First Active Website.

3/. Once your eSavings account is opened it is possible to transfer
money in from any nominated current account. Customers are not restricted to funding via a First Active account.

I hope this answers any queries you had

Thanks again for your patience


Damien White
> Retail Direct
> 5th Floor Group Head Office
> Ulster Bank Limited
> 11-16 Donegall Square East
> Belfast BT1 5UB
> Tel - 028 90 275808 or RI 048 90275808(ubits 75808) NEW
> Fax - 028 90 275828 or RI 048 90275828 (ubits 75828)
> Email
> Website <>
In each occassion the rates apply to the whole balance on the
account, as now stated on our First Active Website.
They don't state that on [broken link removed] and they don't clarify the key nuance (i.e. the lower rate applies to the whole balance one it's €15,0001+) on [broken link removed]. These guys really don't seem to have a clue... :rolleyes:
If you have a balance of €14,500, you earn 5.22% on the lot.

If you have a balance of €15,500, you earn 4.07% on the lot.

Seems to be what he's saying, bit of a swizz. i always assumed (despite the mixed messages coming from FA!!!) that a tiered structure similar to Rabo's would apply. If anyone's still bothered with this account it looks like depositing approx 14k is the way to go.

Btw has anyone complained about this to the Financial Regulator? The fact that people can be told different things by 2 different members of FA staff is surely misleading.
They have provided a specific phone no to deal with esavings applications - 01 7092500. If they start to receive a lot of complaints this may get them to get their act together? :rolleyes:

Rang that number today to see what the delay with my application is.

My application was flagged as missing ID information. Apparently I was one of the first people to apply and there was an error in the forms they first sent out that didn't request ID info. I put a note on my application pointing this out. They didn't reply asking for the ID documents they need.

They also said that delays processing are due to the number of applications. The irony is this product is a roaring success for them despite their incompetence! All our whining is just noise that will barely affect their bottom line.
Btw has anyone complained about this to the Financial Regulator? The fact that people can be told different things by 2 different members of FA staff is surely misleading.
Last time I made a complaint to IFSRA about a financial institution this is what I got back when I asked them how they would let me know what happened with my complaint...
The Financial Regulator is very happy to receive information from consumers. I have already confirmed that the information you raised was passed on to the relevant department - Consumer Protection & Codes.
However - as I hope you can appreciate - the Financial Regulator will not be keeping you appraised of any developments in relation to this issue. The Financial Regulator is restricted from disclosing information under S.33AK of the Central Bank Act, 1942 (as amended by the Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland Act, 2003).

I hope this clarifies the situation and I can confirm that I am now closing off your file in Consumer Information.
Waste of time if you ask me. I complained to FA about the fact that they don't provide the tariff of charges booklet online but the online eSavings terms & conditions refer to it. They just said they'd look into it.

FA finally cashed my cheque this morning by the way.
They don't state that on [broken link removed] and they don't clarify the key nuance (i.e. the lower rate applies to the whole balance one it's €15,0001+) on [broken link removed]. These guys really don't seem to have a clue... :rolleyes:

That would also be my interpretation CM, which is why I thought that I was missing something from their web-site.

But, as you have pointed out in the links, FA are still marketing this product giving the clear impression that it is similar to Rabo in it's tiered structure.

I also agree that it is not good enough to give misleading information to potential customers, like I have got from two different named sources.

The other point, I suppose, is that the second reply I got was from a person with Ulster Bank in Belfast.

As I sent e-mails to and, I'm not sure which address he replied from, but it was disconcerting to get the reply above from Ulster Bank, when I enquired about a FA product. Seems a tad unprofessional to me.

I think I'll give this a miss, at least for any amount over €15k.
FA finally cashed my cheque this morning by the way.

They cashed my cheque today after I rang them up. They didn't need any ID after all. I had a FA account that I closed about 8 years ago. Apparently FA still had my details on file (doesn't that violate limits on personal data retention?). They just checked my DOB and updated to my new address. The person that did it identified themselves as working for Ulster Bank, they seem to be the ones operating the eSavings account. Ulster have a similarly named account with lower interest.
Just to clarify I did not chase FA about this but wanted to see what would happen "naturally".
Is part of the problem with FA not putting out a clear message on the exact terms that they're just a front for a product operated by a different part of the RBS Group.

The web site and the web site with the product description appear to be on separate servers connected by different ISPs. So the people with the knowledge to update the info on the web site probably don't have the authority to update it. Someone should try to bypass the internal bureaucracy and get the answers up on the web site.

The eBanking engines are identical except for branding. Demo of FA [broken link removed]. Demo of UB [broken link removed].

Partial result! Just noticed that FA seem to have updated their web site [broken link removed] as was claimed in a quoted letter from an Ulster Bank worker several posts back in this thread.

The interest rate applied to your account will be applied to the whole balance of the account

This change might have been up for a while unnoticed as it isn't in the section at the top listing the interest rate.
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I might open an account but then I might do the EBS Regular savings.

But for the First Active one - must you send them in your original passport to open an account?
Of course not. You can send a copy of passport or a copy of Driving License. You may need to get the copy certified by the Gardai. I got my pack in the post only 6 days after applying online. I still don't understand what all the confusion is, the T&C seem pretty straight forward to me. Some people are saying that they got different answers from FA staff on certain issues. This can happen in any business, doctors differ and all that. Staff don't have all the answers but the Terms and Conditions do. Be aware the T&C does contain infornation on a regular FA saving a/c aswell as the e-saving a/c. If you can't figure it out - probably best the leave your money in the local CU. No offence.
Of course not.
I've sent my original to several banks when opening accounts because I have found getting certified copies too much hassle. FA only asked for a photocopy (non certified).
I still don't understand what all the confusion is, the T&C seem pretty straight forward to me. Some people are saying that they got different answers from FA staff on certain issues. This can happen in any business
Did you actually read the full thread? There was confusion over the rate issue and it seems to have been finally clarified - 5.22% on balances up to €15K and 4.07% on the full balance if you go over the €15K limit. Different to what some people were assured was the case and different to how RaboDirect for example apply interest. There was also confusion over other terms & conditions. There is absolutely no excuse for a financial institution giving out contradictory information about such black & white matters.
Staff don't have all the answers but the Terms and Conditions do.
No they don't. The T&Cs simply do not clarify the interest payment and charges issues (since the latter are not covered in the T&Cs at all but in the referenced Tariff of Charges Booklet which is not available online).
If you can't figure it out - probably best the leave your money in the local CU. No offence.
No offence but most people on this thread are not idiots and yet could not clarify the issues even after (in some cases especially after) asking FA. :rolleyes:

Anyway you already posted this "everything is obvious" comment earlier and I posted more or less the same rebuttal but you never bothered reading it or responding to it... If you read the T&Cs and thought that they answered all questions about the account then I suspect that you did not understand them properly.
Some people are saying that they got different answers from FA staff on certain issues. This can happen in any business, doctors differ and all that.

Asking how an interest rate will be applied is not asking for a statement of professional opinion as would be the case when seeking medical asistance or actuarial opinion, it is asking for a statement of fact. In terms of medicine or the application of finanacial and regulatory practices to a situation there are probably a myriad of answers. none of which are incorrect.

However asking does the interest rate vary in a tiered system such as is the case with Rabo or otherwise doesn not open itself to a myriad of answers. there is only one right answer. Some people are being told x, some y which means that some people are getting the wrong answer to a simple yes or no question. Even looking at some of the answers have been given the wording is ambiguous and in no way clears the matter up.