Fine Gael Rebel TD's


Registered User
While on balance I disagree with them I can't help but admire the Fine Gael TD's who are risking their careers and their livelihood by voting against the government on the abortion legislation. It's a pity that their aren't more TD's with that level of conviction.
The fact that they are opposing their party from a conservative standpoint means that they won't get the recognition they would otherwise get if their stance was a liberal one but for me their conviction is to be commended.
Noel Whelan had a good article on this point in todays Irish Times Ireland moving in a different direction on votes of conscience
Enda Kenny was a joke up to ten years ago and people have continued to view him as sort of inoffensive and not really powerful enough to do any harm. I think that view needs to be reassessed in the light of the bullying engaged in by himself, big phil, etc. he's getting a bit drunk on power after just over two years. It took FF longer than that, and they more lost control, and common cop on, as opposed to wanting to seize control of everything.
Kenny is pretty dire. Why is the whip being imposed on this?
Fair play to Loucinda - for not being as sheepish as the typical FG Td.
The arguements forwarded by Loucinda are quiet compelling.
I can't help but admire the Fine Gael TD's who are risking their careers and their livelihood by voting against the government on the abortion legislation.
Me too . . I'd add Peadar Tóibín to those and Michael McGrath for forcing a free vote in FF.
While I have no love for SF I think it's fair to say that Peadar Tóibín is sticking his neck out on this one.
So politicians get applauded for voting with their conscience on this issue but when other politicians voted against certain spending cuts, there were threads criticising them saying they didnt have a clue and were just looking for votes. Where was Lucinda and her conscience when people requiring home help were being hit or when people with special needs in schools were targeted? Where was her conscience when FG failed dismally in their promise to provide a children's hospital in the lifetime of this Government.

She doesn't agree with the legislation which is fair enough. She should be entitled to vote against it. Spare me the moral posturing though.