The ICB don't hold your credit rating, it holds your record. Credit institutions use the data held by the ICB to come up with their own rating. This will vary between institution. The criteria on which they base their decisions may or may not be recorded-your application could just be stamped 'declined'.
If it really matters at this stage, see my suggestions in the initial post.
On the basis that BoSI have given you a credit card, you have been approved for a mortgage, and that the rate of interest charged by Dell/CIT is extortionate, I would be inclined to forget about it at this stage.
If it really matters at this stage, see my suggestions in the initial post.
On the basis that BoSI have given you a credit card, you have been approved for a mortgage, and that the rate of interest charged by Dell/CIT is extortionate, I would be inclined to forget about it at this stage.