Hi all
I am astonished at the positioning of what can be done and cant be done by our politicians and central bank in relation to this SVR over charging, yet it was fine to get the central bank to look at the lending limits and bring these to bear on the banks and the market place. Does Minister Noonan really believe that any potential purchaser of our banks will not see through the flaky profit figures that are derived from fleecing customers and the only way for these figures to be decreased is for a new entrant to enter the market place, so the risk to any purchaser of our banks is the very same, if a new entrant comes to the market place the profits will suffer. This will be built into any purchase price of our banks. A longer sustainable model may in fact get and achieve a better price for the very same lenders who feel it is ok to 'fleece' its customers at present. I cannot understand how little forced action is being brought to bear on the lenders. I wish to pose this question, what if the ECB rate was at 3% would it still be appropriate for our lenders to charge SVR rates of over 7%, because that is what will occur if something is not done now. If nothing is done by Minister Noonan or Governor Honohan then I will now predict the next recession for this country to an accuracy of 3 months and that is when the ECB rate turns to commence rising. Then what will happen with the very same issues arising again. So Minister Noonan help people now to prevent another recession while rates are low because this is simply luck at present (ECB Rates) which is no foundation for a sustainable economic outlook. Just my thoughts Padraic