fee for tax returns for married couple for 2007?

A Tain number is not essential, when the assessments is sent to the client, it would only take a minute to check it, and write to the revenue to correct any errors.
If you have paid your son or daughter for tax services, the revenue have no problem with this. It is a requirement that you son or daughter then returns this income on their own personal tax return.
A Tain number is not essential, when the assessments is sent to the client, it would only take a minute to check it, and write to the revenue to correct any errors.

This process is not made any easier if the person who filed the return in the first instance doesn't get a copy of the assessment but has to wait until the client forwards it to them. Writing to the Revenue is no guarantee that an erroneous assessment will be corrected. It is sometimes necessary to phone Revenue to explain something particularly if an error has not been properly corrected, even after correspondence. In such situations, the Revenue will normally for confidentiality reasons refuse to speak to an unaccredited third party in relation to a taxpayers affairs. The taxpayer may not feel comfortable pursuing this query themselves.

If you have paid your son or daughter for tax services, the revenue have no problem with this.
...depending on the circumstances.

It is a requirement that you son or daughter then returns this income on their own personal tax return.

This goes without saying.
Once the person who has filed the return has stated that they are acting as the agent on the front of the form, then the revenue will automatically send a copy of the notice of assessment to the agent, and will accept correspondence directly from the agent, this agent does not have to have a tain number, the revenue prefer to have correspondence in writing. If you have paid your son or daughter for providing tax services, the revenue will allow this as an expense against non paye income.