Fears & Phobias - Automatic doors anyone?

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Does anyone have a fear of automatic doors? Strange thread I know....

Or in general what are your fears/phobias/quirks? My Friend counts corners in every room he goes into... quirky much!

For me I have to plan journeys (ie - google earth / sat nav / AA Route / check time distance) and be very very sure of where im going. I couldnt even contemplate doing a journey without getting my bearings first

And for the record Im absoluty terrified of automatic doors (any kind of door that I cant control really)
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He he he, you are a freak!

I watched a programme the other night about a girl who was terrified of knees, even her own....... very funny!

I think we all have little freakish things that we do! I cannot stand to have my legs constricted in any way i.e if himself puts his leg over my legs in the leaba I just freeze and feel like I can't breath, cannot wear pyjama bottoms to bed no matter how cold it might be and if somebody, evening messing holds my two ankles, I am liable to kick them numerous times until they release me!. I would be crap at bondage stuff!
My mate gets freaked out by toe nails. Probably didn't help when a few years ago about 20 so called friends posted him a six month supply of them
For me I have to plan journeys (ie - google earth / sat nav / AA Route / check time distance) and be very very sure of where im going. I couldnt even contemplate doing a journey without getting my bearings first

Me too!... I've absolutely no sense of direction... I'd get lost in a lift!....


Ney001 I could have wriiten your post!!! I freak if my legs are covered by his or if he's messing and holds my wrists or anything I lose it. Defo not up for the bondage stuff. I'd certainly be doing a lot of screaming!!!!
boxes of bananas. Or bananas in bags. And boxes of tiles.

i won't put my hand anywhere near a box of bananas. I'm afraid there's a snake in there. And i am absoultely totally and obsessively terrified by snakes.

before anyone points it out, i am well aware that they aren't native to Ireland. that the chances of me meeting one are very slim, and that probably no-one will ever drop one on my lap as i sit in the car. But still.

they're here.
yes, i'm afraid so. a few years ago some guys tiling a house in Co Kerry found a viper in a box of tiles. origin greece. nine inches long and you know how tightly packed the tiles are in the box. so you'd put your hand in to take one out and it would get you.

a snake wouldn't have to bite me to kill me anyway. my heart would stop stone dead if i saw one.


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im not afraid of snakes or anything like that (just auto doors) but i do observe carefully when picking out fruit/veg from the boxes in tesco but thats more for insects etc.

I can relate to most peoples fears. If you suffer with a fear then I think its quite easy to understand another persons irrational fear. Just my opinion...

My cousins terrified of frogs. she wont walk across a bridge near a stream for fear she'll see one.
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Also, forgot, I hate belly buttons, can't touch them, including my own and specifically hate pierced belly buttons. Not afraid of them though!

Yeah, don't look at the spider link, I am petrified of spiders and always buy loose bananas just in case!
Can easily understand the boxes of bananas - a long time ago when I was a poor student supermarket worker, the girl loading the fruit counter found a family of large cockroaches running down her arm as she reached up to put a bunch of bananas on a hook.

She screamed like she'd been stabbed (naturally), while the cockroaches as big as mice scuttled off in different directions. Turned out the box had a lot more in it too, and these also escaped (to more shrieking - customers this time).

We had to close off aisles in the supermarket to try and get them rounded up and the poor girl, who was now going into what looked like shock, was sent home for the rest of the day.

On another note, I hate lifts. I especially hate the lifts in Dundrum Shopping centre because its like you're falling. I really can't look out the window as it goes down.

Was also shocked to discover recently that I've lost my ability to go on fast-moving fairground rides - I can't get past the idea that the rides are are assembled meccano-style in the middle of a park, probably by the spotty young fella in the booth who takes your money, and that even though it looks safe and not too extreme from the ground, the g-forces are so great that its all bound to fall to pieces at any minute and I'm convinced we're all going to die.....

My wife helpfully thinks the lift and fairground thing are both hilarious....
I hate the thought of pure wool jumpers, they give me a strange sensation in my teeth. My son is the same.
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