False information on planning application



I have been searching the internet for weeks, but cannot find any indication of any law/statute, etc., which precludes or prohibits an applicant from using false or misleading information on a planning application in order to get approval. Does anyone know of any? Thanks
I have been searching the internet for weeks, but cannot find any indication of any law/statute, etc., which precludes or prohibits an applicant from using false or misleading information on a planning application in order to get approval. Does anyone know of any? Thanks

I recently had a situation where a guy was over estimating his plot by 20% just to get 2 more houses on to the site somehow he increased his plot by adding on the grass verge and half the road.
Its necessary to bring the facts to the attention of which ever county council it is and hope that they make sensible decisions.
I had the opposite where an idiot beside me was objecting to my application and submitted several porkies to support his objection. I contacted the Planner and sent photos etc. I won but he went to ABP and did the same thing - more photos etc and again same result.

Best of luck
The various planning laws require certain information to be submitted with planning applications. If this information is not correct, then the application is invalid. If the local authority is informed of this, they will return the application to the applicant saying that the information is incorrect and therefore the application is invalid.