@twofor1 and
you kindly gave me advice a while back and I wanted to update you on the pension aspect.
So, my mother has a pension of 220k or thereabouts, which is wrapped up as 60k AMRF and 160k in the ARF. We gave full disclosure of all monies transferred and all income etc.
This money is wrapped up in investments that she receives 7k approx a year in two installments of 3.5k, (invested money and subject to fluctuations),
They're also including the 42k she gifted me.
So the calculation is working out as:
Weekly Income:
108 euro (7,000 euro / 80% / 52 weeks)
199 (80% of 249 euro pension)
Total weekly income: 307 euro
Principal residence: 490 euro per week (7.5% for three years)
Cash Assets
Somehow, they have managed to ALSO have calculated the ARF and AMRF Lump sum as a cash asset? I rang to query what this amount was and I was told that even though my mother (or I as her power of attorney) can never cash this in as it's a government approved pension scheme and she gets nothing apart from 7k a year from this amount, that they are still counting it as an asset and assessing it accordingly.
I find this a bit hard to take as, okay, she gets accrued monies every year but can't actually cash the money in a lump sum in.
There is something about being able to take 4% out of the AMRF every year, but my mother hasn't done this as she has been incapable mentally to do this.
She has 60k in savings. So they are counting her 24k (the 60k from savings after the 36k allowance is deducted), the ARF and AMRF at 7.5% of 220,000k and the 42k she gifted me. To come to that figure. / 7.5 / 52.
So now (with this 412 euro) the calculation is 1280 in total. But the loan part won't be going through for two months, but I am assured it will be backdated. I now have to facilitate payment for her care at the full amount of 1180 a week.
My question is: how long do the payments from her go through for and - can they touch the 36k?
I would love to protest this calculation of the ARF and AMRF on her behalf but I know the answer will be that it's a fair deal. If it all has to go to make sure she's in a nice nursing home (which she is now there two weeks) then I am happy for my inheritance to go, however I still don't think that if she can't get money directly from lump sums then it's not fair.