Fair Deal/Nursing Homes Fair Deal. Beginners guide needed

Currently trying to organise insurance for an unoccupied house, we've been told the insurance co. can't talk to us as we're not the home owner (owner is in a NH and has dementia). Enduring power of attorney for owner is taking some time, was started in sept 2023 and is still 'before the courts' (was executed 2.5 yrs ago).. not sure where to go now? A letter from solicitor saying it's pending? Any ideas?
Re live in care, we got an estimate from an agency of €568 per week. That was a lot less than we expected. We aren’t at that stage yet but it was good to see the rates. Much more affordable than a nursing home. This includes prsi etc and you have to provide their food.

“For €568 per week, the Carer Plus works 5 days per week, 7 hours per day and sleeps in up to 7 nights per week as a passive presence in your relative's home.

The carer can break her/his working day into blocks of time such as 2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon and 3 hours in the evening.

The Carer Plus carer's duties include house-keeping, meal preparation, companionship, personal care and medication supervision, if required.”
Re empty house if you have a solicitor working on the EPA can they write to the insurance company explaining the situation.

I can see the insurance company’s problem but they need a practical solution. The solicitor could ask them that. This can’t be their first rodeo!

In the meantime can someone stay over the odd night? Make a phone call or two to provide evidence of occupancy…

I assume you’ve got keys, so basic stuff like switching off water to protect the house has already been done, not a good idea if you want someone to stay there of course.
Yes, we are in the property regularly. I think I'll ask solr to write a doc saying the EPOA is pending... hopefully that will suffice. Thanks.
Hi Annie; I have a similar situation could i get some more details from you. My dad just got diagnosed and we need to figure out home care options
You need to start with your dad’s GP and the local nurse manager. The nurse will assess needs and allocate hours which the state will provide free to you.

I would suggest that you take this step soon, you may already have done that. The care package will be put out to tender and one of the care companies will be allocated it. We have Home Instead providing care for my parents. In addition to the HSE funded package you can approach the provider directly and buy additional hours etc. I think this would be better rather than ending up with 2 care companies. M

Of course you can ask around and maybe find someone privately but assessing qualifications, experience, Garda vetting etc.. that’s not easy.

The quote above is from Home Instead website. I’m sure the other companies do similar.

We don’t have a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s for my dad but we can see more and more senior moments daily. We have had a large number of carers in and out, that’s not good for someone struggling with memory issues but it has settled down now and we have 4 regulars. Dad enjoys the variety. We keep in touch with Home Instead and keep and eye on the schedule via a weblink so we can see who is coming and make sure my parents are aware. Mum is still as sharp as a tack and keep an eye on them.

Their needs change over time so it’s never fixed and done.

Good luck. I hope you have siblings to help share the mental load