Facebook for Business - Pros & Cons


Facebook - good.
Linkedin - great.
Twitter - mixed.
Blogging - priceless

But what about when you mix them all together. Make your blog automatically send to twitter and facebook. Then get your linkedin to pick up your twitter feed.

One blog post = 4 social media sources updated effortlessly. That's my kind of social media!

+1 for having a separate facebook page for your business. It just gets ugly otherwise.

We use it for jobs and blogs. If we post a new job on our site it goes to Twitter and Facebook. It then ends up in our linkedin status.... so if we are connected to relevant people, they get a job advert via linkedin.

Twitter has tons of aggregators, and google and bing are both supposed to be showing twitter posts in search results.

It's a marketing thing as much as anything. The more visible you are the better... and best of all it's free!