Extractor fan in the kitchen


Registered User
I bought a mid terrace house in a new development. Recently I heard from the selling agent that I won't be able to fix Chimney extractor fan since its mid terrace house (as you know it needs a hole on the wall for the extractor).
So they suggest me to go with charcoal extractor but I prefer to go with Chimney extractor fan.

It seems to me that this can be done on the top of the side wall, anyone come across this before?

maybe you could vent it out the back of the house

we have a "landlocked" small downstairs bathroom and its vented out the back - vent pipe running parallel to floor joists, up above the ceiling plasterboard

so depending on how far along the construction is you could consider that
Kitchen is in the front so it will be bit hard....

anybody has any other suggesstions?

You can get really good extractor fans that dont need any holes, I used to work for a place in cookstown which did them called montreux ask for Liam, now do not go fo the cheap one around 100E or so , make sure you pay for the good one as its suctson in much better ie no clouds of smoke ,, as they say you pay for what u get , but dont be shoet if you decide to take this route
oulu said:
You can get really good extractor fans that dont need any holes
Forgive a dumb question, but if it doesn't have a path/hole to the outside, how does it 'extract'? Or does it just filter the air without extracting it?
Yes some of them recycle the air and pass it through a charcoal filter. That removes the smell and the grease.
It would be best if you can connnect it to the outside world. Mine has flexible metal pipe running along the top of the kitchen cabinets to the outside world and it is fine.
sueellen said:
I had a charcoal extractor fan many moons ago and it was crap.

Many apartments have non-vented charcoal extractors which do take away some of the smell but are nowhere near as good as the externally vented ones.

It seems that builder won't do any extra work such as vent it out to the front using the pipe. They said I have to get someone else do it after the completion. Just wondering will it be OK do this after completion ?

You should ask the agent if the property complies with Section F of the Building Regulations 2002, in relation to ventilation of a kitchen, in particular for the adequate removal of water vapour. You can check these out at: http://www.environ.ie/DOEI/DOEIPol.nsf/0/a137e0322d60e09780256f5d00504a79/$FILE/30178%20BR%20Ventilation%20F.pdf
joel said:

It seems that builder won't do any extra work such as vent it out to the front using the pipe. They said I have to get someone else do it after the completion. Just wondering will it be OK do this after completion ?


I'd say resist at all costs!!, try to get your man in at the appropriate time. Think of all the ceiling plasterboard to rip out, the dodging of cables and smaller pipes that really should be worked around your vent pipe, patching up outside plaster etc. etc. - "a decor disaster area" as yer man in the ad says.

You wouldnt stick the ring into middle the halloween brack after baking it (thing of destruction of the cake), why would accept something much worse.
Don't think it's unusual to do this after completion, in my estate everyone had it done afterwards. The hole will usually be a little rough around the edges and if it's not hidden - it usually is via extractor hoods- you might need to do a bit of polyfilla type work to tidy it up.

The builder might tell you if there are any wires where you want it drilled, there should only be wires directly up or down from a socket or switch. Normally there isn't any water pipes in the walls downstairs in a new house.

One thing is the higher up the wall the more physically difficult it is to do (the drill is heavy), if it's near the roof it might be worth doing it from the outside. Doing it from the inside is probably better since it's easy be an inch or so off by the time you get through the second row of blocks.
Hello, I need to make a hole for the extractor fan in the kitchen (after wall completion). Unfortunately the extractor fan will not be directly over the oven but I am hoping to run a tube along the top of kitchen cabinets for about 1 metre to reach the outlet (I've checked for wires/cables and all is clear). I believe the hole should be 10cm in diameter, but any advice on how far down from the ceiling and far in from the side wall to start drilling the hole.
Standard wall height and cabinets. Thank you for any help.

my house is exact same layout, maybe u are one of my neighbour, Lucan?? anyway..theres definitly a gap between the wall and the plaster sheet..you need to make a hole where the extrator fan pipe can possible be connected to then you go up to the attic
tie some weight then lower it to the same position where the extractor pipe is then tie the pipe and get the person in attic to pull it up..obviously the pipe should be flexible.job done
If i have purchased a second hand house and need to do this, how will I find out if there are wires or pipes or a support joyce in the wall that I need to drill? Its the back wall of the house. I too am mid terraced.
yes. the wall is only .5 inch thick, u can make a hole with a screw driver.
Hello, I will be putting the hole on an external ground floor wall, any thoughts on where to position the hole in relation to the ceiling edge and side wall. Thanks again.