Can we recap on this one? Is this correct? -
Will has been through probate. Everything goes to widow/mother. Cheque issues from Solicitor to who? 1. Mother's name or 2. Mother's name c/o executor or 3. Name of executor? --Which is the legally correct method?
Executor has, according to her, lodged the cheque in a separate account to which the executor has access and she controls how this is distributed. So, bank must be happy to open this account and accept the cheque into it. How can that be?
I am assuming that the solicitor has discharged his duties as per the legislation, so, this is an issue of one sibling controlling some of her mother's money and the other siblings controlling the rest as they have excluded the executor over past suspicious activity on the mother's bank account.
It seems that the executor has discharged her duty, in the strictest sense, and it is now dispute between siblings over the mother's funds.