Whatever about management fees etc, she bought an apartment in a prime city centre location in the Country's capital. She didn't buy an apartment in Longford or Kildare (no offence to those Counties). A 10% fall in such a short space of time with zero liquidity in the market means nothing. Interview her again in 5-10 years and it will be a different story. I think the thing about the interest rates etc is added for effect. I am willing to bet if she got a mortgage for an apartment last Autumn when everyone was saying there was no mortgages being given, her financial ability to pay is greater than what comes across in the article. She is far from stupid. Seems like a smart young lady to me.
I'd agree on this.
I think it's a fairly ordinary article, what I find surprising is the amount of people out there willing to brand someone stupid for buying a place in the current environment.
Fair enough she said she didn't think about the interest rates or the management fees, but think about it:
1) You are going to pay management fees on most apartments, and €1400 p.a. is actually lowish, so if she hadn't taken this into account in her comparisons it would not have led to her making the wrong decision.
2) Anyone who thinks rising interest rates are a reason to hold off buying is more stupid than her. There is no correct way to time when to buy based on whether interest rates are rising or falling. Interest rates will probably rise for the next two years till they reach 4%. Can someone explain what great insight they have to the effect that it's better to wait till interest rates hit 4% to buy rather than buy when they are at 1% but expected to rise to 4%??
3) So say she ends up paying a flat €1600pm + €100pm management fee over 30 years compared to a rent of €1200pm increasing to god knows what over 30 years. No one can tell me with certainty how rents will move over 30 years and as a result no one can tell me how this financial decision will pan out.
4) There's probably half a million to a million people (couples, families, singles) who bought from 2003 - 2007. She'll do better than all of them whatever way you look at it!
5) Finally, as Oldnick has said, there was a bit of emotion involved. Some people actually get a feeling of satisfaction out of having their own place. If you can well afford it, and it's something that's hugely important to you, it's not a straightforward financial decision as people here would have you believe